Christ turns the bread and wine into His Body and Blood, but the shape, color, size and the taste of the bread and wine remains.
This is called “Transubstantiation”.
Does the bread and wine really become the Body and Blood of Christ?
The Protestants deny it and proclaim it is as only a representation of Christ, and the atheists never believed it because of the absence of scientific explanation. The answer to that question is YES, the bread and wine truly becomes the Body and Blood of Christ during the Holy Eucharist. Protestant disregard this truth because according to them, it is not in the explicitly stated in the Bible. This is not true. In the Old Testament, the Holy Eucharist or the Holy Mass was prophesied in Malachi 1:11. While in the New Testament, Our Lord Jesus Christ himself proclaimed that whoever eat His Flesh and drink His Blood will live forever. The Jews thought that He was insane. When our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist in the Last Supper, He commanded His apostles to continue the Sacrifice in memory of Him, which the Apostles, their disciples and their successors did throughout the ages until it was passed on to the priests of our generation.
Jesus Christ did not say that the bread and wine is just a symbol of His Holy Body and Blood. His instruction in last supper was very clear – He proclaimed the Bread as His Body and the Wine as His Blood.
When does the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ in the mass? It happens in the consecration part of the mass. Christ turns the bread and wine into his Body and Blood, but the shape, color, size and the taste of the bread and wine remains. This is called “Transubstantiation”. It is a miracle that no science can explain. Jesus Christ promised this to us, in order for us to achieve eternal life with Him.
The Catholic Church recommended to take the blessed sacrament once a year until Saint Pope Pius X recommended to take it more often. As Catholics, we must follow His commandments. Let us take the Eucharist with respect by kneeling during the consecration of the Host because He is our God and King. Take the communion by the tongue, not by the hands as most Catholics do nowadays, because only the hands of the priests are consecrated to hold His Holy Body.