
Short Stories


La Leyenda de La Loba Negra
The Reconstruction

Kitzune : The Outfoxing


Rushing Russia

Les Fraternites

No Second Camelot




The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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by Wadi Watkalulu

Using parallel stories for each chapter representing the ancient origins and later modern phenomena of the leech-like remains of the dead coming to life as monsters, the writer explores the mystery behind not only the alamanhig but the aswang and the busaw as well. The reader will walk through the Philippine pantheons of ancient gods and deities as the mysteries are unraveled first during the Spanish time and next, the American occupation. Consider in this story how the elemental spirits were themselves confused with the coming of Christianity to the islands and how Sitan tried to prepare against it.

La Leyenda de La Loba Negra
The Reconstruction

by Rico del Sol
Synopsis: The alleged Fr. Jose Burgos novel, La Loba Negra had been made material for several masterpieces even if they were perpetrated by the hoaxer, Jose Marco. Rico del Sol reconstructs the urban legend and uses both existing folklore and serious historical facts to re-create the story of an early 18th century woman serial killer. Is it the Captain General’s widow as the urban legend claims or another Intramuros woman of mystery who takes revenge against the religious and lay men who perpetuated the crime so daring during the heydays of the Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade? We are sure you will also be surprised at the turn of events.

Kitzune : The Outfoxing

by Icarus Leido

Episode 1 Outfoxing the Jackal
Egyptian father and son (Badawis) plan the Muslim Brotherhood’s plot to kill all the Christian residents in the Zeitoun area. Because of their intrinsic evil which made the son involve Japan as alibi for non-involvement, the Shinto pantheon of the gods send the Kitzune, Himari Tsumugi to slay the two jackals. However, the Virgin Mary’s apparitions on Zeitoun Church gather countless spectators foiling the sinister plot and further frustrating the Jackals’ plot.

Episode 2 Outfoxing Hyenas
Four African members (Hyenas)of the Yakuza double cross their Japanese boss and start their own crime syndicates in the African continent with the help of their Freemason connections and are hunted by the Kitsune. In the backdrop of the Marian apparitions in Kibeho, Rwanda which fulfilment was the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi by the Hutu, the four hyenas are caught by the Kitsune and are brought to Lake Tanganyika, Burundi to be given their horrible deaths as promised by
the Kitsune, Himari Tsumugi.

Episode 3 Outfoxing the Foxes
The Kitzune, and her Kitsune damsels are attracted to former IRA terrorist turned pilgrim-penitent, Dale O. St.Oz and having been enchanted is brought to the Akita Shrine for help by Shinto priests and is, in turn, helped by an eastern rite priest, Fr. Wilfred de la Cruz and Deacon Shujiro. Agnes Sasagawa, the aged and sick visionary blessed the three men uniquely. In a new dimension of the Outpouring of the paraclete, the priest becomes the vessel of a heavenly being which engages the kitsune as elemental demons.

Episode 4 Outfoxing the Dogs
The Shinto priests which brought Dale St. Oz to safety to the Akita shrine are the same ones which kidnapped two priests who are believers of Akita on orders of the high priestess Gumiho. The Kitzune orders an attack on the Shinto shrine to get them as well as the Rohingya
boys serving there. Although the shrine people (the dogs) gave a good fight, they are routed by the Kitsune who are in turn, subdued by a being from Heaven such that the captives are released.

Episode 5 Outfoxing a Rival Fox
The Kitzune meets her match in the person of the Viet Minh Ho Ly Tinh as their acquaintance begun several centuries past. In the first Indochina war where the French were defeated the two nine-tailed foxes joined forces with Ho Chih Minh and Vo Nguyan Giap to accomplish undermining the French colonial interest. They both penetrate influential sects in order to find out in a wager who would win in the Vietnam war where the Americans are involved.

Episode 6 Outfoxing the Fox
Against the backdrop of the history of slavery which involved Dahomey, Haiti and Jamaica and voudon, voodoo and Rastafarianism, respectively, man’s quest for freedom is dramatized by the kitsune belligerents who were enslaved by their past. Their own quest for their own sense of freedom and emancipation comes to a tragic end for the one who had generated most evil while the rationale for syncretism in religion is explored to the limit so that the myth of extreme ecumenism is also revealed.


by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Synopsis: Using the backdrop of seminary life, the new phenomenon of transagression is explored wherein the former minority group of homosexuals having been given more tolerance in society aggress in form of bullying and intimidation against those identify themselves as straight. In this story, Gilbert Vasallo, problematic student because of his mother’s untimely death and philandering father is being forced into sex by his gay and pro-gay classmates and his resorting to violence for his defense becomes a reason for his possible expulsion from the school. A disciplinary panel is constituted by the Rector which brings about an unexpected result.

Rushing Russia

by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Synopsis: Set in a big expanse of territory which would not qualify for an empire but about three continents, Russia seemed to have started from the descendants of the giants intermarrying with men of lesser stature. Legend or not, Russia seemed to be a race rushing to find its self-worth for its place in the world. From Kyiv to St. Petersburg from Tsaritsa to Stalingrad, a whirlpool of events will bring an interplay of characters from the holy Vladimir to the false Dmitrii and from Rasputin to Vladimir Putin. Likewise, what is considered to be the teaching of errors by Russia such as the modern pseudo-science of Marxist-Leninism to the occult teachings of Blavatsky’s spiritualism, will be discussed in a unique manner which approximates the mysticism of the likes of Ann Catherine Emmerich and their relevance to timely prophecies of our times, against the predictions of peasant starets. This novelette will walk you through the wanderings of the stannic and the wonder-workings of the Satanic and the different battles and wars of the Russian peoples and the holy alliances and holy synod from Constantinople to the Third Rome which belongs to Russia. Be in the heat of the race and avoid stumbling in any ideology, occult and free to choose or open to be imposed such as spiritism and communism.

Les Fraternités

by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Synopsis: This novelette explores the different Catholic prophecies concerned with the End of Times. Fr. Frank Caluag, endowed with a unique gift of the holy Spirit enables a select group of people to witness past and future events in the tradition of some mystics and seers. The priest interprets the visions or scenes such that historical and psychological insights are drawn to interpret the reality of said events, even if they presented in history in a different light. From the siblings from Bethany to the seers of La Salette and from the martyred Louis XVI to the Henry V, the French Monarch of prophecy, the author depicts a unique treatment of French history with the beating heart of the adjudged witch, St. Joan of Arc which survives the burning stake to the radioactive caldera hearth which is the burial site of Paris, the city of lights. Even as it links some legends, this novelette also pursues and explores the meaning of fraternities or brotherhoods in the light of its French applications and aptly putting them up, too, in the light of local events. Reading this novelette ensures one to explore the different Catholic tenets as evaluated in the light of other contemporary beliefs and cultures.

No Second Camelot

by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Synopsis: This novelette is set during the time of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy both adjudged as the most famous American couple. Shrouded in government-controlled secrecy, the Warren Commission report on the Kennedy assassination is still withheld from the American public tending to so many conjectures. The many mysteries attributed to this infamous event whitewashed from the very start, is given a new twist. How, for example, could seventeen vital witnesses of the case all die from mysterious deaths within a period of only one year. This too dauntless causation, according to this account can only be accountable with the presence of the supernatural and the organizations that abide by these powers consigned as principalities and sovereignties under the prince of the world. In this age when the Paraclete is starting to teach the complete truth, it is comforting to note that nothing can ever be hidden from the Omniscience of God. However, the author sees to it that mundane knowledge of the events, lend to the accessibility to better information and therefore, better deduction. How, for instance, could Lee Harvey Oswald fire three rounds of his alleged murder weapon within a period of six seconds. This would be a problem to expert phenomenologists especially if when fired from the sixth floor, it would cause the smell of gun fire and show gun smoke on the street below. Find out how the so many variables of coincidences interplay to build up a celebrated mystery which even started as early as the time of Nostradamus. Find out also, how two sacerdotal figures and another worldly character combine their strengths in trying to elucidate on the truth of this classic mystery.


by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Synopsis: Placed in a traditional Catholic formation house or seminary, the main characters struggle to understand the mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, striving to unravel its thanksgiving aspect with its mission to expiate the sins of mankind. In their differentiated means, one a mystic aggrege and the other a scholastic missionary; one of Western orientation of the universal church and one of the eastern rite; they complement each other in providing useful information for the spiritual formation of young seminarians. They are joined by individuals of different calling but likewise attuned to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. This novelette probes into the frailties of human existence in face of the Outpouring of the paraclete in the end of times. Set also in the backdrop of dysfunctional family situations, the episodes try to explore why the satanists continue to attempt desecrating the sacred host, why different Eucharistic miracles occur within the universal church and why the Deep or Substitute church is trying to put an end to the Perpetual Sacrifice. From the earliest days in Coptic Egypt to the cutting-edge laboratories of biochemical analyses, the episodes define, analyze and give account of the miracles of the Sacred Host recognized by the Church and concludes on how it operates. This work also allows us to explore the possible workings of the Holy spirit to teach the complete truth, to Comfort the oppressed faithful and Advocate holiness against evil.


by Ricardo B. de los Santos
Synopsis: This novelette tells the story of China in a new light; its spirituality and the good and bad influences underlying its culture. Through flashbacks of historical readings presented as visions through a mystic traditional priest, the different characters give their incisive analyses of the nations sages of the arts of war, mythology and superstitions, with its array of gods and heroes from the building of the great wall to the last emperor. It represents the Forbidden City as the place of resident evils both flesh and spirit alike. Beginning with the first modern naval battle in Asian history, the episodes explore the rise of Mao Ze Dong along with his many covert blunders easily manipulated with maverick political ploys which victimized opposition, communist or otherwise; even betraying his very own mentor which he took to be rival for power, Li Da. Many Chinese secrets are revealed including the reasons for its sudden rise to power through the heroic stand of people who can see through the evils of communism like Zhou Ziyang, Deng Xiaoping, Yang Hongchang, Wei Jongshing and Liu Xiabo. And finally, this short novel warns of a China which continues to dream of world domination even if the COVID 19/PLA Virus has failed and backfired in its own backyard, Wuhan and its diabolical origins gleaned from its own writing system and tendency to commit human sacrifices, even if it is now using capitalism for its economic growth while it pursues communism for its world tyranny.

D.I. Demonyong Itim

by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Synopsis: This novel features: (1) China’s secret plots to conquer the Philippines and dominate the world; (2) continued occupation and interference of evil spirits in everyday lives of people without realizing their presence; (3) the devil’s continued destruction of the church until the last two popes before the Antichrist; (4) Sabah claim and conflict in the West Philippine Sea; (5) unforgivable influence of the devil in culture and art; (6) curse on the treasures that have been stolen similar to the Yamashita treasure; (7) Gaba, not karma, is the punishment for sin; (8) a modern world that is worse than the five cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in terms of in lewdness and trampling on holiness by new heresies; (9) dominance of lust in the name of love; the culture of the flesh that is associated of extermination of demons; the gender of the Devil; (10) the continuous spiritual combat until Armageddon.

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