The Seven Joys of St. Joseph

Simon Fe Dolor

The great Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas once said that “Some saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy, in certain needs, but not in others, but our holy patron St. Joseph, has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking.“

I grew up traveling to and from home and school making that sign of the Cross because of an old Spanish Catholic church known as The St. Joseph Parish Church. After school I try to visit this traditional altar with St. Joseph holding the child Jesus, not knowing how important this man is to the church. How I felt short in showing greater respect and devotion knowing now who St. Joseph is in the history of salvation.

The great Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas once said that “Some saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy, in certain needs, but not in others, but our holy patron St. Joseph, has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking. “

Indeed, most saints have merited special favors in heaven for their pious life, and sacrifices they have done for their great love for God. However, one saint has not only live a holy and difficult life, but actually lived with the Son of God, Jesus, and Mother of God, Mary. He provided for the Holy Family and endured great challenges as head of the family. God has given him the greatest privilege man can encounter as a human, to live with the Savior and the Mediatrix of all Grace. Can you just imagine the happiness to be with Mary and Jesus?

Here are the seven joys of the Holy Patron of the Universal Church, St. Joseph.

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    FIRST JOY: The Angel’s Message of Joy (Matthew 1:20)
    Great was his joy and relief when an angel of the Lord appeared before him in a dream to tell him that the child in Mary’s womb was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
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    SECOND JOY: The Birth of the Savior Jesus Christ (Luke 2:10-11)
    Despite the stress of finding a descent place for the Blessed Virgin to give birth to, there is great joy to see the the supernatural birth of Mary to Baby Jesus. According to tradition, even nature had this extreme joy and peace and angels in heaven surrounded the place of Nativity.
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    THIRD JOY: The Honor of Naming Him Jesus (Matthew 1:25)
    To hear the angel of the Lord in His dream that Mary was to conceived and give birth to a son, and the will call him Emmanuel, which means God is with us. He did what the angel commanded and he give him the Holy Name Jesus.
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    FOURTH JOY: The Effects of the Jesus’ Redemption (Luke 2:38)
    Hearing the words of prophets Anna and Simeon on how they were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem with the presence of the Child Jesus. It brings St Joseph great joy to know how this child he was to raise will redeem Jerusalem and mankind.
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    FIFTH JOY: The Overthrow of the Idols of Egypt (Isaiah 19:1)
    To know that the idols of the Egyptians will fall prostrate before Jesus, a prophecy that Jesus, the Son of God will complete.
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    SIXTH JOY: Life with Jesus and Mary at Nazareth (Luke 2:39)
    Undoubtedly, the life of the Holy Family brings pure joy and love to St. Joseph. To raise and to provide for Jesus and Mary in Nazareth when the Angel of God directed him had been peaceful years of holy and joyful life.
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    SEVENTH JOY: The Finding of the Child Jesus (Luke 2:46)
    When the child Jesus got lost for three days, thou no fault of their own, the unbearable stress and sorrow was replaced with the seventh joy of St. Joseph. Together with Mary they found Jesus at the temple.

The life of St.Joseph is honestly remarkable. But aside from these seven joys, the last one would truly be dying with the presence of the Lord God Jesus and his Beloved Blessed Mary.

That is why Pope Pius IX in 1870 proclaimed him Patron Saint of the Universal Church, having died in the arms of Jesus and Mary, we can received so many favors even at the hour of our death. That is why he is also patron saint for a happy death.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

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