The Tridentine and The Novus Ordo Mass

Jude Missa

After the Summorum Pontificum of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2007 which declared the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass or the Tridentine Mass (now called the Extraordinary form of the Mass), many people become aware and become curious of this form of the Mass which is relatively unknown to this generation. Unfortunately, a lot of priests do not know how to celebrate this mass and some people are no longer interested because they found out that the language used is Latin.

Although the Tridentine Mass was abolished under the Vatican II Council, there are still Priestly Societies which still continue to celebrate the Tridentine Mass like the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX). Many are not aware the criticism and attacks that the SSPX received by defending and maintaining this beautiful Traditional Mass. Until now, the Tridentine Mass still receives criticism and verbal attacks from other modernists who are either ignorant or diabolical. But what is the difference of the Tridentine Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass (New Order of the Mass), the mass that we experience today. Here are some major differences of the two mass:

Tridentine Mass
This mass was codified by Saint Pope Pius V. Before the Tridentine Mass was codified, many churches or Catholic Orders had different version of Mass which include mistranslations of the prayers. When Saint Pope Pius V codified this mass, he unified all the churches by using only one version of the Mass. Tridentine Mass follows the traditional mass used by the apostles and the early Christians because Saint Pope Pius V respected apostolic tradition.
Novus Ordo Mass
This mass was codified by Pope Paul VI under the Vatican II Council with the help of six protestant ministers. This resulted returning of different versions of the mass according to the place or catholic orders that celebrated this mass. This mass was similar to the protestant “mass” which most of the tradition that has been used in 2000 years has been changed or removed. Novus Ordo mass was codified according to the needs pf the modern world.
Tridentine Mass
The priest is facing the altar while celebrating the mass except the homily and when he face the people to greet them “The Lord be with you (Dominus Vobiscum)”. This facing the altar is called “Ad Orientem”, a latin word for “Facing the East” The altar signifies our Lord Jesus Christ that’s why the priest and people have to face the altar. The Altar also contains the Tabernacle, where they Holy Eucharist was placed. Facing the altar symbolize respect and adoration to Christ in the altar. That’s why it called the “Altar of the Lord”
Novus Ordo Mass
The priest is facing the people, which is similar to the Mass of the Protestants. This Facing the People is called “Versus Populum”, a Latin word for “Facing the People”. Modernists and Protestants critized the Ad Orientem of the Tridentine Mass because it disrespect the people when the priest is facing the altar. Thus, it respects people instead of God.
Tridentine Mass
The language used in the Tridentine Mass is Latin, the official language of the Catholic Church. Except “Alleluia” which used Hebrew language and “Kyrie Eleison” which used Greek language.
Novus Ordo Mass
The language used is vernacular or the language of the country, city or region. If the priest is a foreigner and the country can understand English, they would rather use the English language ,the international language of business and commerce and of course, the official language of the Anglican Church, which was established by an English king.
Tridentine Mass
The Tridentine Mass was known for its solemnity and is only focused on God.
Novus Ordo Mass
Some churches chose to have a happy mass than celebrating it in solemn. Which focus on making the people feel happy. That’s why they think Tridentine Mass is boring because they are not entertained especially when the priest is not walking around and not oftenly telling jokes. They even clap their hands because they prefer to consider it as a feast only. Let us remember that the Mass is a sacrifice which is objectionable to the protestant thinking.
Tridentine Mass
The faithful mas wear a presentable clothes. T-Shirt or Polo with pants and Shoes for Men, shirts with below the knee skirt for women while wearing a veil. We must wear proper clothes in the presence of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. We must clothe ourselves as if we are attending a wedding as in the parable of the Lord.
Novus Ordo Mass
Some churches are not strict or not well-informed on the proper clothes during the mass. Many people wear shorts, tank top and sadly, some women are wearing revealing clothes. The sad part is that the women are not wearing veils anymore because they thought they would look old by wearing them. Our Blessed Virgin Mary always wears a veil, and she does not look old. In fact, her true beauty radiates while wearing a veil.
Tridentine Mass
One of the main focus of this mass is sacrifice, by kneeling and genuflection, especially kneeling during the consecration and communion. (Kneeling is exempted for the elders and has physical disability who cannot kneel)
Novus Ordo Mass
Sacrifice of the mass is not widely known to today’s generation. Since most schools do not teach catechism, during the consecration, many people will not kneel if they are not inside the bench. Some parishioners and people just bow. The Novus Ordo mass therefore does not remind people of the real presence of the King because protestant thinking does not believe in the real presence. And so, why still bow if it’s only pretense?
Tridentine Mass
This mass only use the Gregorian Chant as Hymn (Created by Saint Pope Gregory the Great) and the Organ as its dominant musical instrument.
Novus Ordo Mass
This mass is now using the modern ballad hymn. For the musical instruments, they still used the organ or keyboard/electronic piano that produced organ sound. But sometimes they used plain piano or guitar if the church or chapel has no organ. Sometimes, some parishes who are attached to the modern world will insert an electric guitar or drums which produced rock music as Protestants prefer. In short, instead a feel of a sacrifice of the mass, it becomes an entertainment. In fact, in some protestant churches, they dance as if they are in a party or in a ballroom, free of charge.
Tridentine Mass
This mass has many prayers, in short the Mass is a group of prayers. These prayers were used even in early Christianity. The prayers when sung still remains with its original words.
Novus Ordo Mass
This mass has less prayers unlike its predecessors. Some mass that has been used in many centuries has been changed, or reduced. For Example, the Kyrie Eleison or Lord Have Mercy has first three Lord Have Mercy, three Christ Have Mercy and three Lord Have mercy, which represents the Holy Trinity. While in Novus Ordo, it reduces in two Lord Have Mercy, two Christ Have Mercy and Two Lord Have Mercy. Some prayers were changed according to the tone of the hymn. Since the Mass is supposed to be a mystical experience, protestant thinking has introduced dualism instead of respect to the Trinity. The Novus Ordo has preferred the dualism of Manicheans and followers of Zoroaster.
Tridentine Mass
This mass used the Nicene Creed, created during the Council of Nicea, an improved version of the Apostles’ mass which included all articles of faith as taught by the Apostles.
Novus Ordo Mass
This mass used the Apostle’s creed. But some churches still used the Nicene Creed.
Tridentine Mass
The “Our Father” was prayed only by the priest, but when it comes to the “Deliver us from Evil”, the people will say or sing this words. While praying the Our Father, the people only used the praying gesture while the priest used the Orans gesture or lifting both hands. After the “Our Father”, there are no sign of peace.
Novus Ordo Mass
The “Our Father” was prayed by both priest and the people. The people will lift up their hands just like the priest and hold hands. This gesture is from the protestants. After the “Our Father”, there is a sign of peace.
Tridentine Mass
When it comes to communion in the Tridentine Mass, only Communion in the tongue is allowed while kneeling. Kneeling is allowed when a person is a elder or has physical disability. Only a priest is allowed to hold the Host because his hands were consecrated.
Novus Ordo Mass
Sadly, the faithful is using the Communion in the Hand and it was encouraged by some of our priests. Our hands are what we mostly used in committing sin. That’s why our hands should never touch the Holy Eucharist. If someone questions the morality of the priest, we must remember that the priest needs to fulfill his job and one of them is holding the Eucharist.
During the consecration, even if you are not inside the church, kneel on the ground. Kneel and pray, even if the others are not doing it. It doesn’t matter if you are alone as long as you are doing the right thing. Never mind what people might say or think of you. What really matter is that we pray humbly and give respect to Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is TRULY present in the bread and wine.


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