The Power of the Holy Cross

Simon Fe Dolor

The cross has been a symbol of the church from the early years of Catholicism to the present. No catholic church will not carry a cross, either on its tower, the door and especially the altar. The crucifix is a cross with the image of the Savior Lord Jesus Christ nailed to it. This sacrament can be seen in various forms and sizes, and is highly revered by devout Catholics. In praying before the cross or crucifix we Catholics remember the suffering and sacrifice of the life of Christ.

Your Cross oh Lord is the source of all blessings, the source of all grace. Through it the faithful find strength in weakness, honor in shame, and life in death… No one, however weak, is denied a share in the victory of the cross. No one is beyond the help of the prayer of Christ. His prayer brought benefit to the multitude that raged against Him. How much more does it bring to those who turn to Him in repentance.

This is a very good illustration of St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the church on the significance of the cross.

The cross has been a symbol of the church from the early years of Catholicism to the present. No catholic church will not carry a cross, either on its tower, the door and especially the altar. The crucifix is a cross with the image of the Savior Lord Jesus Christ nailed to it. This sacrament can be seen in various forms and sizes, and is highly revered by devout Catholics. In praying before the cross or crucifix we Catholics remember the suffering and sacrifice of the life of Christ.

In Jesus’ day, the cross was a symbol of evil and so criminals were crucified on it. However, Christ changed it and sanctified this symbol of His hope and love for man.

On the cross, the upright part symbolizes the will of God, which is always holy and good. The horizontal, on the other hand, is the will of man, which is in opposition to God, and as a result man's sin has borne fruit. That is why it was necessary for someone to intervene so that the gates of heaven could be reopened to mankind. Christ who gave us the hope of resurrection and sanctified and empowered us on the cross.

This sacrament has become powerful against the devil. A primary weapon carried by priests and exorcists to remind the devil how Christ has won over them. In spiritual warfare it brings faith, strength, wisdom for unbelievers, hope in times of distress, inspiration for preaching, strength against temptation and evil, healing for ailments of body and soul, and an object of peace.

In I Corinthians 1:18 the good St. Paul wrote, “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Christ Himself preached to his followers, “Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow in my footsteps is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:38. It is still a mystery to many because the cross is a symbol of suffering, pain, sacrifice and humility. Even when Christ was crucified on calvary it was also the cry of the unmoved and skeptical, “Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.” Mark 15:32.

The saints have the wisdom of the cross so they value it very much. Some of them are known by this designation as St John of the Cross and Saint Paul of the Cross. Meanwhile, their devotion can also be seen in the paintings of Saint Gerard Majella, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Peregrine, St. Martin de Porres, St. John Nepomucene Neumann, and St. Benedict and other priests became saints. In their biography we can also read of their devotion to the cross. 

Strength of faith and trust until death as St. Joan of Arc, the saint who fought for France when he asked her to kiss a cross before being burned to death by her persecutors. The saint also said “Hold the Cross high so I can see it through the flames.”

Even making the signs of the cross has brought grace to many. The story of St. Roch who cured multitudes of plague-stricken people for simply tracing on their forehead the holy sign of the cross is known in history. An entire city was delivered from the plague with his prayer and strong faith.

Eugène Lenepveu, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

However, there are still fools who have been unfortunate not to know the wisdom behind this symbol. Like government lawmakers who want to remove crosses in hospitals and in schools. Christ Himself said that if we want to follow him we must take up our crosses. And he also said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” Even a simple toddler sees the holiness of the cross. The message of love on the cross is universal.

The Feast of the Holy Cross has been celebrated on May 3 since the beginning of the 7th century. It was changed in 1960 by Pope John XXIII on September 14 to the General Roman Calendar to unify the discovery or finding and exaltation of the Holy Cross. However, so many countries and towns still celebrate the Feast of the Cross on May 3 due to its tradition and devotion.

In a small village in Panglao, Bohol, people still celebrate the Feast of the Holy Cross every 3rd of May. The community will have a morning mass and by nightfall prepare a procession for the Sta. Cruz (Holy Cross). The people, man, women, and children would line up and walk around a perimeter while a processional song is sung. They believe the procession of the Holy Cross around the village will seal and protect their community and it shows their deep devotion and trust for this Holy relic.

The cross is the main symbol of Christ’s victory over death and life for mankind. That is why the messages of Pope St. Leo reminded us to be proud of the cross in our lives.

“Let no one be ashamed of the cross by which Christ has redeemed the world. None of us must be afraid to suffer for the sake of justice or doubt the fulfillment of the promises, for it Is through toil that we come to rest and through death that we pass to life. “


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