Mary and the Ark of the Covenant

Jude Missa

The Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Queen and also our mother. She is the most popular woman in the whole world and also a controversial person for the other people like the Protestants. She has many titles and we often encounter it when we pray her Litany. One of those is the “Ark of the Covenant”, which gave confusion to others. For years, a number of archaeologists and historians were looking for the Ark and some people even claimed that they have found it or have it. Here we will discuss why she was called the “Ark of the Covenant”.

But before we get started, let us remember:

“The Old Testament foreshadows New Testament” and “The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament”.


In the Old Testament, the Ark was made by wood painted in Gold with two Cherubim images at the top of its cover. Its design and details were instructed by God to Moses in Mount Sinai. The Ark of the Covenant was never mention again until the capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and burn the city to the ground. But the faith of the Ark of the Covenant was never revealed.In the Old Testament, the Ark was made of wood painted in gold and had two images of cherubims at the top of its cover. The design and details were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. The Ark of the Covenant was never mentioned again until the Babylonians captured Jerusalem and burned the city to the ground. The Ark of the Covenant’s faith was never revealed.


How the Virgin Mary become the Ark of the Covenant? Let us refresh our minds by remembering the things inside the Old Ark and compare it to the Blessed Mother in New Testament.How did the Virgin Mary become the Ark of the Covenant? Let’s refresh our minds by remembering the things inside the Old Ark and comparing it to the Blessed Mother in the New Testament.


  • THE STONE TABLET OF TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD -The Word of God written in the Stone Tablet.
  • MANNA – The Bread that came from heaven that God provides for the Israelites during their 40 years travel in the desert.
  • THE ROD OF THE HIGH PRIEST – The Rod of Moses’ older brother, High Priest Aaron.

JESUS CHRIST – Inside the womb of the Blessed Virgin contains our Lord Jesus Christ. But how can she become the Ark of the Covenant if she only contains our Lord Jesus Christ which is different to the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament. Our Lord Jesus Christ is contained within the Blessed Virgin’s womb. But how can she become the Ark of the Covenant if she only contains our Lord Jesus Christ, which is different from the Ark in the Old Testament.

Because our Lord Jesus Christ is:

  • THE WORD OF GOD – He is the Word of God that became flesh.
  • THE BREAD OF LIFE – He is the Bread of Life, and whoever take this bread will never die.
  • ETERNAL PRIEST – He  is the Eternal Priest, and the head of the Catholic Church.
Remember: “The Old Testament foreshadows New Testament” and “The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament”. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the New Covenant. If he is the New Covenant, where is the Ark that carries him? It is none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother.

In the Book of Revelation, Saint John the Apostle mentioned the Ark of the Covenant but suddenly mentioned the word “Woman”. The Protestants claimed that the description of Woman is not the the continuation of the Ark of the Covenant that Saint John mentioned. Saint John’s writings is very clear, the Ark of the Covenant is the “Woman”, and that Woman is none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Book of Revelation, St. John the Apostle mentioned the Ark of the Covenant but suddenly mentioned the word ‘woman’. The Protestants claimed that the description of Woman is not the continuation of the Ark that the Apostle mentioned. His writings are straightforward. The Ark of the Covenant is referred to as the ‘Woman’. And it is none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is another proof when comparing the Old and New Testament.


  • The Glory of God come upon the Ark and overshadow it.
  • “How shall the ark of the Lord come to me?” – King David [2 Samuel 6:9].
  • As the Ark of the Lord enters the City of David, King David leaps and dance.
  • The Ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obe-Edom for Three Months [2 Samuel 6:11]


  • The Holy Spirit comes upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and the power of the Most High has overshadow her. [Luke 1:35]
  • “And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” – St. Elizabeth [Luke 1:43]
  • “For behold as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy”  – St. Elizabeth [Luke 1:44]
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary remained with St. Elizabeth for Three Month [Luke 1:56]

This is the clear proof that the Blessed Mother is the New Ark of the Covenant. Remember: “The Old Testament foreshadows New Testament” and “The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament”. This is God’s will, if he wants the Blessed Virgin Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant. So be it. The Lord’s will be done.This is clear proof that the Blessed Mother is the New Ark of the Covenant. Remember: “The Old Testament foreshadows the New Testament” and “The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament”. It is God’s will for the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the New Ark of the Covenant. The Lord’s will will be done.



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