The Priest Vestments During The Holy Mass

Jude Missa

During the Holy Mass, the Priest wear different clothes than their usual clothes when they not celebrating the Holy Mass. These vestments must be worn by the Priest when they celebrated a mass event its in inside and outside of the church, and in another place. What we don’t know is that these vestments have its only symbol and also has its own prayer while they wearing these vestments. The vestments also have its own cross which the priest kissed before they wear it.
  1. AMICE – It’s a white squared cloth that has two strap at the both ends of the cloth. This is wrapped at the neck of the priest and it hides his shoulder. This is called the Helmet of Salvation and it was first wear in the head in the past but still continued by some priestly orders. The amice symbolize the cloth that used to blindfold our Lord where He was punched and persuaded to prophesied who hit Him. Most of the Priest are not wearing these vestment anymore.
  2. Alb – It’s a long and white linen tunic that was mostly wear by the priest and the altar servers. It symbolized the the purity and innocence that helps the soul of the Priest when he steps close to the altar. It symbolizes the cloth that King Herod to our Lord Jesus Christ because he thinks that our Lord is insane.
  3. Cincture – It’s a rope that wraps the waist of the priest to bind the alb. It symbolizes the distinguish the fire of disrespect and to maintain purity of the Priest so he can serve our Lord well. It also symbolize the rope that binds our Lord Jesus Christ during His scourging at the pillar.
  4. Maniple – It’s a clothe that the priest wear in his left arm. In the early centuries, the priest holding the maniple as his handkerchief in his left hand. It symbolizes the work and suffering of the Priest. In the passion of the Lord, it symbolizes the mantle that Saint Veronica used to wipe on the face of our Lord. It is one of the vestments that was discontinued to use in Novus Ordo Mass.
  5. Stole – It’s a long scarf that was wear in crossed by the Priest. It symbolizes the official duty of the Priest and life without end, that is why it called the Stole of Immortality. In the passion, it symbolizes the clothe that the romans soldier put on the should of Lord.
  6. Chasuble – this is the outer vestment that placed on the top of all vestments. It is from the Latin word that means “Small House”. The Chasuble always has a large cross, it can be on front or on the back of the chasuble. It symbolizes that goodness of love and unselfishness when for our Lord. In the Passion, it symbolizes the Cross that our Lord carried. That’s why the Chasuble has more weight than other vestments.
  7. Cape – the Cape was worn by the Priest during the opening procession in the Holy Mass. It is also used during the outside Procession when there’s a important feast day including the Feast of Christ the King. It symbolizes our Jesus Christ as a prophet, priest and King.

Each of these vestments gives weight and heat for the Priest during the Holy Mass including the Traditional Mass. Like the weight and suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ during his Passion. And you will often see their sweat when you see them up close during the Communion. This is one of the sacrifices of the Priest that he has to offer to our Lord.


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