The Advent and the Wreath

Jude Missa

The Advent is the time of preparation which last for four weeks before Christmas. The Advent came from the Latin word “Adventus”, which means “For arrival” which refers to the arrival of our Lord. It is unknown when the exact year the Advent started but it was celebrated in 480 A.D.

The Advent had two parts. The first two Sunday is about the “Second Coming of Christ”, while the last two Sundays is about the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

During the Advent, the Church displays the Advent Wreath. The Advent Wreath symbolizes the season of advent. It has five candles that was placed on the top of a wreath. Each of these items on the Advent Wreath has symbols.

  1. PROPHECY CANDLE – Is first purple candle that was lit during the first Sunday of Advent. It symbolizes Hope. It was called Prophecy Candle as a remembrance of the Prophets that prophesied the birth of our Lord like Prophet Isaiah.
  2. BETHLEHEM CANDLE – Is the second purple candle that was lit during the second Sunday of Advent. It symbolizes Faith. It was called the Bethlehem Candle as a remembrance of the journey of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph to Bethlehem.
  3. SHEPHERD’S CANDLE – Is the pink candle that was lit during the third Sunday of Advent (Also called Gaudete Sunday). It symbolizes Joy. The Shepherd’s Candle is a remembrance of the joy that the world experienced when our Lord Jesus Christ was born.
  4. ANGEL’S CANDLE – The third purple that was lit during the fourth and last Sunday of Advent. It symbolizes Peace. It was called the Angel’s candle as a remembrance of message of the Angels ““Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.” (Luke 2:14)”.
  5. CHRIST’S CANDLE – Is a white candle on the center of the wreath. It was lit during Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. It symbolizes our Lord Jesus Christ, His life and without stain of sin.
  6. EVERGREEN WREATH – It symbolizes the Eternity of God. Its round shape symbolizes the everlasting life to be gained in Christ.

The Advent is a celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His coming to our life through grace and the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. And the second coming of our Lord on the End of the World.


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