The Doxology

Jude Missa

In Christianity especially the Catholic Church, the Doxology is the typical hymn that is sung by the faithful. It is an expression of praise sung to the Holy Trinity. The word Doxology is from the Greek word Doxologia; “Doxa” means “glory” and “logia” means “saying”. Doxologies in the Catholic Church is  often said or sung during Holy Mass, the Liturgy Hours and in Catholic Devotions such as the Holy Rosary and Novena. There are two types of Doxologies, The Greater Doxology and the Lesser Doxology.


The Greater Doxology or the Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the Highest) is always sung in the Holy Mass except for Advent and Lent. The first part of the Greater Doxology was sung by the angels when they announce the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to the shepherds in Luke 2:14. That’s why the Doxology are often sung during the Holy Mass, except for the Low Mass of the Traditional Latin Mass and the Daily Mass in the Novus Ordo Mass (but, sometimes they sang).


The Lesser Doxology (also known as Minor Doxology) or Gloria Patri (Glory Be) is also sung in the Holy Mass especially in the Traditional Mass which it was part of the first prayer and the Lavabo prayer. But it is commonly known as one of the prayers in the Holy Rosary. The Lesser Doxology was traditionaly sung during the Holy Rosary. You will often experience it in the churches of Traditional Societies and also in other countries. When the Pope had a Saturday Rosary for Covid 19, you will notice that they sang the Glory Be. The Lesser Doxology in the Holy Rosary usually sang on the church or in a chapel, it is not necessary to sing it in your house or while you travel. But after the Vatican II Council, singing the Lesser Doxology has been forgotten by many.

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