What is Transubstantiation?

Jude Missa

The most important part of the Holy Mass is the consecration where the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. This is also where the faithful genuflect because this where we see our Lord Jesus Christ in the form of the bread and wine. But, how can be a bread and wine become the Body and Blood of our Lord? The taste of the host does not change when we receive it from the priest (though its taste is very different from most bread). The change by which the bread and wine in the Eucharist becomes Christ's real presence—that is, his body and blood, is called Transubstantiation.

Transubstantiation is a process where God make the bread and wine as his Body and Blood without changing its look, shape, color and taste. In the bible, when our Lord told the Jews that whoever eat his Body and drink his Blood will have eternal life, there were arguments and some thought of it as cannibalism which made other disciples leave our Lord. Then the Last Supper happened, where they ate and drank the Body and Blood of our Lord in the form of bread and wine. The apostles believed in our Lord and He commanded them to do this to commemorate Him, which they did and continued until today’s generation of priest. Transubstantiation is one of God’s miracles, in which we can eat His Body and drink his Blood by the form of the bread and wine.

Do you want to eat a real flesh and drink a real blood of a man? You don’t, right? That is why Christ instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, for us to take without any ill or disgust. This is an unbloody sacrifice. Taking his Body and Blood in the form of the Sacred Host is a way to unite with Him as He promised to give us to Eternal Life. Many miracles of the Eucharist in every part of the world show us that the Sacred Sacrament is truly the body of Christ. As a Catholic, we must give respect and adoration to the Blessed Sacrament by kneeling before it, and taking it in a state of grace by having a Sacrament of Confession. And also, taking it using our tongue because our hands are not consecrated to hold it. This is truly, the Christian Way.


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