The Born-Again Christians

Jude Missa

When Martin Luther left the church and started the protestant movement, a number of heretics created their own churches, in the belief that they built the true church of God. They left the one, true, apostolic and Catholic Church that our Lord Jesus Christ has founded. Some of them even copied the rites and doctrines of the Catholic Church. As years passed, the Church entered modern world and “modernism”, as Pope Pius X said, brought evil to the faith. Protestants fully embraced Modernism. The use of ballad and rock music can now be used in praying and in worship. Sharing of life experiences is very common within the group and you will be asked "Have you accept Christ as your personal savior yet?" This is the Born-Again Movement, also called Born Again Christians and Evangelical Protestantism.
Who are the Born-Again Christians?

They are the protestants who have more modern approach. They called themselves megachurches and nondenominational Christians. Their name is from John 3:3 of the New Testament.

When the Born-Again Christian began?

Their origin was traced back from Martin Luther because they are still part of Protestantism. But according to Philip St. Romain their origin was traced back in 1909-1915. But the word “born-again” popularized in America when Jimmy Carter run for president.

What do you mean modern approach?

In our modern time, when someone is suffering or sad, they have an urge of something that makes them happy. One of the methods of the Born Again are music to attract people and words from the Bible that most people can relate.

What are the similarities of the Born-Again Christians and First Protestant Sects?

The first protestant sects have their own churches similar to the Catholic and Orthodox Church. But most of the Born-Again Christians have no churches, instead they have their founder’s house or a building as their headquarters. They also believe in Faith Alone and Scriptures Alone. They also don’t accept some books from the Bible and remove some books, chapters and verses which is contradict their belief.

What are the similarities of the Born-Again Christians and the Catholic Church?

Just like other Protestant Sects, they also believe in the Holy Trinity like the Catholic Church.

What are the differences of the Born-Again Christians and the First Protestant Sects?

The Born-Again Christians has more modern approach than the first Protestant Sects. They have no ordination and anyone can become a minister.

Do the Protestant have Seven Sacraments?

Similar to the first Protestant sects, they only have two sacraments: Baptism and Eucharist. Some have no Sacrament of Eucharist and Matrimony is not a sacrament for them.

If they have Sacrament, it means that they believe that Christ is in the Blessed Sacrament?

No. Most of the Born-Again Christians believe the Eucharist is just a symbol. Even thought they have Communion Service, the bread that they eat and wine that they drink is not the body and blood of Christ. Only the Catholic Priest can consecrate the bread and wine with the power of God, it becomes the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Mass.

Is it okay for a Catholic to attend Born-Again events and gathering?

No. As their joyful and fun approach can attract you to join them, it will also damage your faith. As protestant, they are more eager to have happiness than to sacrifice for our Lord.

What is main belief of the Born-Again when it comes to Salvation?

The Born-Again Christians believe we are already saved when Christ died in the Cross. And when we died, we are going straight to Heaven without absolution from a priest during our life here on earth. This belief is very dangerous to our soul. Our Lord Jesus Christ give his apostles a power to forgive sins before his ascension as a priest. Because God knows that even our Lord died in the Cross to save us from sins, we humans are capable to sin again.


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