Defending the Sacred Tradition Part 2 – The Modernism and Pope St. Pius X

Jude Missa

The Catholic Church has remained faithful to Sacred Scripture and Holy Tradition over the past centuries. In the 1500s, the Protestant Reformation occurred, and the Council of Trent was created in response. This council made a strong counter-reformation, which was strengthened by Pope Pius V by making the church more disciplined and uniting it by promulgating the Tridentine Mass. Then, over the course of the twentieth century, many things changed and the modern era arrived. That is where modernism comes into play.

Modernism may be a good development for humanity, but it has a side of evil that the Catholic Church faced in the 20th century. Modernism is also finding its way into the Church, which affects part of the clergy. The effects of modernism changed the church, like modern music slowly entering Holy Mass while Gregorian chant slowly fades in different churches. It also makes the Holy Mass look like an orchestra and not a holy sacrifice. Some musicians will even chat with each other after playing their part, which disturbs the Mass. The priest must wait for the music to end before continuing his activities in Holy Mass. But what is wrong with modernism? There are good things in modernism like cars because it made our transportation very efficient. Phones are good, too, because you don’t have to send a messenger to a far away country and get it in a year or two. Movies and music keep us entertained when we want to relax. But the evil of modernism we are talking about is against the belief of God. Why is it against the faith of God? Simply put, modernism teaches us to love and accept other religions, including those who worshiped false gods, to accept the doctrine of Protestantism, and to believe scientific theory as truth. And above all, as Protestantism spreads and embraces modernism, they make people happy and enjoy themselves while worshiping God by mocking the sacred tradition of making a holy sacrifice during Mass. Many people have joined Protestantism because they want to feel good and happy, rather than making a sacrifice to God during Holy Mass. These are the evils of modernism, they cause heresy, endanger the faith and poison the church.

The previous Popes may have had reservations about modernism, but there are no major acts against it currently taking place. Until one Pope takes a firm stance against modernism, which is something that Pope St. Pius X did back in 1903. When he was elected as Pope, he fought modernism within the church, which had begun to enter the church slowly at that time. His motto was “To restore all things to Christ,” and he restored the Gregorian Chant and brought back the glory of the Holy Mass. He encouraged people to often receive Holy Communion, instead of only receiving it once a year. Because modernism and Protestantism have spread all over the world, Pope St. Pius X ordered all the churches around the world to have a Catechism to spread the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, and the Catholic Church. Even though he acquired enemies and critics, he still faced them head-on and fought the evil of modernism with courage because of his love for God.

Unfortunately, his great struggle against modernism was forgotten when Vatican II’s council began, which embraced modernism and was more concerned with Protestants bringing heresy rather than the Catholic faith having truth.

Let us pray to St. Pius X and the Blessed Virgin Mary to help us defend the Sacred Tradition of the Church.


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