Some priests who embraced the doctrines of Vatican II propagate the message that the Traditional Latin Mass is invalid or even mock it. The parishioners then followed suit, warning many people about the Latin Mass and mostly attacking the SSPX for not being in complete communion with the Papacy. While the SSPX condemned mistakes in the Novus Ordo Mass and defended the Traditional Latin Mass, parishioners of other Traditional Latin Masses, including their priest, criticized the Priest who wrongly celebrated the mass, including the clown mass or mass with added pagan rite. This resulted in a schism between Modernist Catholics and Traditional Catholics.
To resolve the conflict, Pope Benedict XVI issued the Summorum Pontificum (in English: Of the Supreme Pontiffs) in 2007 to reconcile with Traditional Catholics such as the SSPX and reintroduced the Traditional Latin Mass or the 1962 Missal by Pope John XXIII as “The Extraordinary Form of the Mass.” This enables the priest to celebrate the Traditional Mass without seeking permission from the Apostolic See or any of the bishops. Because to the Summorum Pontificum, Traditional Catholic Societies can now freely celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass in any church they visit. This is also piqueing the interest of some priests who have never experienced this Rite and are attempting to learn how to celebrate it. However, because the Traditional Latin Mass is not yet extensively celebrated throughout the world, one of the greatest obstacles for Traditional Catholic Communities has arisen as a fatal virus has begun to spread around the world.
[To be continued]