But we dare say:
That though we may be in agreement with some premises mentioned, the truth, the good and beautiful about this sacrament is not only meant as a Memorial that our King orders for His wisdom necessitates its goodness for the devout faithful. Otherwise, He would not have given the instructions. It is for us the Perpetual Sacrifice which sanctifies mankind. His object of salvation and take any attempt to undermine or diminish its greatness as coming from His Adversary, the devil.
We therefore stop right away in arguing Its Truth through the many miracles made through Its Goodness but rather quote Its Beauty through the saints, e.g. re its conversion during consecration thus.
“It is not man that causes the things offered to become the Body and the Blood of Christ, but He who was crucified for us, Christ Himself. The priest is in the role of Christ pronounces these words, but their power and grace are God’s. This is my Body, he says, the word transforms the things offered.” – St John Chrysostom
“Be convinced that it is not what nature has formed, but what the blessing has consecrated. The power of the blessing prevails over that of nature because by the blessing nature itself is changed… Could not Christ’s word which can make from nothing what did not exist, change existing things into what they are not before? It is no less a feat to give things their original nature than to change their nature.” – St. Ambrose
We are just men, we only need two witness especially coming from the Communion of Saints’ but in fact, the Lord does not need any witnessing. He is the Word and the Truth less we forget. But we know that from the modernist, who is clouded by the smoke of Satan no such logic will prevail as he shuns anything supernatural, blinded to the fact, that the devil who deceived him is in itself supernatural.
And since we are satisfied that It indeed is the Body of Christ, why should we allow unholiness to touch it? The Protestant theologians precisely would only consider the presence of bread and wine and not the Real Presence. It is obvious who has inspired their teaching so as to contradict His very Word and Witness.
We just want to remind our fellow Catholics not to fall into such trap of the human mind of the to see is to believe kind. Rather believe and you will see as to paraphrase St. Anselm.
The focus of the faithful should be on the veracity of the words that define what is held by the priest, “Body of Christ” and not the touch of what is being given. If familiarity indeed breeds contempt so would the touch of bread do the same to someone too weak to trust His word or too proud to convince himself that he is worthy to touch his King.
The Vatican II illicit orders to remove the communion railings were in fact, attempts to lessen the reverence given to King’s Real Presence as people now just line up standing because kneeling was made impossible.
In the Philippines, communion in the hand was introduced by French, German and Benelux missionaries who were sent to undermine the Filipino devotion to the Sacred Host.
During those times there was an attempt to build a global Christian center atop one of the Pinatubo mountains (range). The very provinces where communion in the hand was being introduced namely Pampanga, Bataan and Zambales were greatly affected by lahar flow and ashfall when Mt. Pinatubo erupted. The eruption not only caused worldwide atmospheric status but hastened also the removal of Clark Air Base which was being renegotiated by the shameless Americans to even a period of ten more years much to the disgust of the Corazon Aquino administration. Mysterious indeed are the handiworks of God.