This is to Certify

Daniel Santos

You have asked for our certificates.
You’re right but we’ve been through proper gates
Yet they can’t give us because we’re the first.
They’ve asked for our copies, the cups they thirst.
We have none just the thank yous and appreciations
And in your eyes, exactly our depreciations.
You have asked for our certificates.
You’re right but we’ve been through proper gates
Yet they can’t give us because we’re the first.
They’ve asked for our copies, the cups they thirst.
We have none just the thank yous and appreciations
And in your eyes, exactly our depreciations.
Are we Pharisees
Or even Jews?
If we are from Samaria
So we can’t be that good!
But our Savior didn’t have certificates.
He violated Sabbath but slammed hell’s gates
By building upon Cephas which is just a little rock
And heals and saves though He’s not even a doc.
He didn’t have a license
To cure nor counsel.
Didn’t write books nor taught
With a license like mine.
He didn’t have a license to kill,
He is Life.
Didn’t have a license to light things up,
He is Light.
He needed no witness,
He is Truth.
He didn’t need license for the road,
He is the Way.
He didn’t need license to counsel,
He is Wonderful Counselor.
He didn’t take the teacher’s exam,
He is the Greatest Teacher.
He was tested but never issued
a certificate to test or evaluate.
He is Discernment and Wisdom.
And we believe in Him.
We never boast of any expertise
But Tourism saw what experts in the hostage crisis
Missed tho they were in full gear and force.
Creating more crises by way of a farce
And opted for security in our humble sincerity
And our simple teaching strategy.
We listened
And trusted,
But your distrust
And mistrust could be a must.
For in this world, pride is such a foolish must
And yes, we stand in the world’s rust, the earth’s crust
Yet in this world where pride is a foolish mask
Why can’t we make your heart, may I ask?
We don’t need the sophistry
Of the Saducees
Nor the intelligence
Of the Pharisees
Which is required by the prince of this world
It’s his teaching authority.
He’s a dragon, he likes
fierce competition
He’s a lion, who prowls
for every prey
But we are simply slaves who pray
To the Prince of Peace, not of this world.
The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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