
Dr. Ricardo B. de los Santos, PhD

Vatican II, the pastoral synod which tried to please the world so that more will enter the church and had been very keen on pleasing the Protestants who didn't relish in what they label as Mariolatry; which for us was simple love and devotion to Mary, Mother of Christ. Therefore, the patronizing cardinals allowed all talks on the Virgin Mary as being Mediatrix and Co-Mediatrix had been duly shelved and assigned oblivion. All that the faithful cardinals could muster was that Truth that She is the Ultimate Exemplar. Thus, the six Protestant advisers assigned to influence the Council felt triumphant for the recognition due to the Mother of the Church Herself was mitigated if not mutilated.

But alright, the crime had been allowed and committed and all we can do now is start from scratch. Cheer up, soldiers of the Church Militant. This is a Spiritual War and sovereignties and powers are not enough to discourage us. Do they think that they have lessened the glory of the Blessed Virgin Mary? Nay, for us, her being pronounced or declared as Exemplar is enough.

In my own humble way. Let me tell you the following:

She is the Exemplar in Obedience. The Annunciation tells us the story on how she accepted the will of God; that she may bear the only Begotten Son of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, and as He is the Immanuel, God who dwelt amongst us, she is indeed “Theotokos”, the Mother of God.

She is the Exemplar of Purity. As Mother of Christ, she must remain unblemished before and after giving the Virgin birth or she can never be worthy of having been chosen by God to be the Mother of His Only Begotten Son. Her being the Immaculate Conception and being the La Purissima Concepcion is a norm that sets things straight; any other being who claims to be the “Son of God” but has a blemished cardinal mother is a liar. And therefore, also, as an Exemplar of Chastity. What rumors are these protestants spreading about her other children or Jesus’ other siblings? They have attended bible and theological schools and yet their logic fails in the fallacy of equivocation. Only the children of Satan are rabid enough to spread these lies.

She is the Exemplar of Faith. Everything she did, even those recounted in the bible is an act of faith. How else do you discern what happened in the Wedding at Cana? She was already told that His hour of performing miracles have not come yet. However, She responds without opposing him but rather inculcating belief in Him said that they should do whatever he tells them.

She is the Exemplar of Hope. Her decorum had always been hopeful even as the Christ was dying on the cross. She would not leave Him because she hopes in Hope, Himself. There is no account of the response to the news that He is risen for it was not necessary to be written. She was full of grace already and the grace of knowing that He is the Resurrection is part of that fullness.

She is the Exemplar of Charity. She never abandoned her son, even on Calvary. And she too, loved her other children even beyond the crucifixion on Golgotha, even those who have abandoned Him even if they were His bosom friends and apostles.

She is the Exemplar of Mercy. Even at this age of religious doubts due to Modernism, she continues to exhort and admonish sinful mankind through her many apparitions. Tasks which only a merciful mother can undertake in order that the redemption of mankind through His most precious blood will not be in vain. For instance, having His cause betrayed in Europe during the so-called Reformation, She appeared in Guadalupe to convert the natives of South America. If Luther’s action brought about the loss of about six million from the Church, she brought back more than six million into the Church by her appearances in Tepeyac Hill. If you haven’t heard her crying for her children, it’s about time you hear about the mother of mercy.

She is the Exemplar of Humility and Simplicity. In spite of her royal lineage, she did not care if she were to live only in a tekton’s house in Nazareth or even during the time spent in Egypt. In fact, this was the very reason why the Serpent waiting to kill the Immanuel as soon as he is born was outwitted. The dragon was waiting In many mansions and places where a queen or princess may give birth to a King and although suspecting Mary as the possible mother, it could not conceive the fact that this royal woman could give birth in the cave, which was transformed into a stable, for such was a very poor birthplace for the King of Kings. Thanks to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s humility and simplicity, the devil was thoroughly outwitted.

She is the Exemplar of all Virtues. Now, of course, I still have so many examples to enumerate to show the holiness of Mary, but what I wrote would suffice for an essay.

However, her being a Mediatrix herself or a Co-Mediatrix should not be forgotten. For she has done better than Moses and Aaron combined mediating for God’s people. And yet, these protestant agents have duped the cardinals into ignoring these facts. If perhaps the time for judgment has come and these six and the group of cardinals find out that it is indeed the Virgin Mary who will be the Defense Counsel for Mankind, how do you think will their case stand against the Truth? The judge will see in them His mother’s slanderers and gossipers and perhaps even if the Woman Clothed by the Sun remains silent out of mercy for them, I expect the Judge of all Judges to be independently-minded, and the jury composed of saints with whom they have waged war with, will see justice when He passes judgment against them.

Or how would you feel if your mother was unjustly insulted or discarded. Especially if you yourself had given the law to honor thy mother and father?

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