Woke Psychology

Multiple Authors

It seems that new WOKE (world order key element) psychology starts teaching children their rights for them to be more creative in the exercise of their rights as they grow older.


It seems that new WOKE (world order key element) psychology starts teaching children their rights for them to be more creative in the exercise of their rights as they grow older.


As far as I can see it, the earlier the children are taught their rights the more they become creative in it’s exercise. It is therefore only proper that elder people guiding them may suggest options in sexuality and gender preferences. Provided with such options, the child become more aware of how to become as he prefers it. Late provision of options can bring about later regrets of how they were robbed of their time to enjoy the exercise of such rights.

Filipino authorities in education and proponents of Philippine social justice system should therefore start the children early in making their choices by providing opportunities of becoming even while still in childhood. By doing this they become better educated and are provided more justice.


It is sad to say that although the Philippines is aligned with western democratic ideologies, it is not abreast with humanistic developments that promote childhood awareness in the exercise of rights. Modern behavioral transgenders in which provides every individual his pleasure therefore comes late. As such, the coming of age or the revelation (“ladlad”) of one’s true sexual preference and gender orientation therefore suffers from many negative experiences such as sarcasm, humiliation, and ostracism to name a few. Philippine society must therefore evolve into a more tolerable LGBTQI+ stance if not the total acceptance of these lifestyles.


A simple survey of the art profession, and even those which are socially – honored such as the teaching profession provide us the fact that members of the LGBTQI+ community are respectable members of society and are therefore vital members of the social make-up. Needless to say, they are also considered nation-builders, family breadwinners and even social influencers. All aspects of society must therefore be accessible to them as they have raised consciousness into a higher understanding on the nature of mankind.


As such, the government should provide them better access to work and influence. More GAD programs should be placed in the government project and they as artisans should be given special privileges such as access to beauty pageants, more designations in the country’s armed forces and representation in media and politics.

On the other hand, we say that early exposure to natural rights of children, i.e. the right to play, the right to education, etc are laudable whenever they are taught with equal responsibility. However, the early suggestion as how they can be “creative” with their rights is highly questionable. For example, to suggest that they are “girls trapped in a boy’s body” or vice-versa is quite abusive for a parent or a person in authority to do. Let us not project goodwill if we are actually perverting children forgetting the Christ’s dictum “Suffer not the little children …” Filipino education authorities and proponents of Philippine social justice are making themselves liable to the fact that they may be abusing minors if they suggest malice into children. One may be surprised that according to Philippine Laws, being minor in age goes beyond chronological childhood. Alignment to western democratic ideologies is an overused myth. Filipino values are better in so many respects. Are we forgetting that we, Filipinos were betrayed in the Treaty of Paris by two western superpowers at that time; U. S. A. and Spain? And so, why do we have to import the gay and maricon mentalities, too? In fact we claim, the gays and the lesbians along with the others were victims of miseducation which we have to swallow because of our country’s debts.

To claim that transgenderism provides pleasure to the individual is debunked by the natural reaction of sarcasm, humiliation and ostracism because it goes contrary to norms. Consider now, how those who are straight are suffering because of excesses of bashing and other forms of embarrassment because of so-called oppression, suppression or repression they are accused of. Most of them didn’t even lift a finger against member of the LGBTQI+.

A survey of Herodians claim are not necessary. The professions as we see them now an still aligned to the gender assigned usually. And yet, there is tolerance, respectable tolerance for as long as individuals do not make fools of themselves. And thus we respect lady engineers, policewomen even female welders. But a lady engineer who plays a “playboy” role to the female vendors in the construction site is not respectable. A policeman who molest female detainees is not respectable and a female welder who rival her peers for GRO’s in the beerhouse is not respectable either. And so is the male hairdresser who carouses the pubic hair of adolescents. Or a male masseur who massages male genitals or a male pediatrician who is a pedophile. And so are those who claim to practice the noblest profession but victimize their students of their same sex. And so you see, it’s not the accidents but the essence of how we do things. And yet these accidents when deliberated on early, even at a tender age becomes not just an accidental event but one which is disastrous. 

Manuel L. Quezon thought that social justice should be given more to those who have less in life. He is right but if those who promote social justice feel that the LGBTQI+ community have less in life, then they are wrong. Who are they kidding, these Cabrones. If you are a woman and you excessively abuse your being a woman in molesting other woman then you exceeded what you have in life. So, does a man who abuses other men. He has exceeded himself. The bisexual who does not only have heterosexual relations but homosexual relations as well, is he lacking? The transgender who goes beyond his own sex, what else does it want? And the rest who goes beyond whatever others do, what do they still need? The social justice that must be given to you are penalties for the abuses you have incurred.

Filipino education authorities and proponents of Philippine social justice are making themselves liable to the fact that they may be abusing minors if they suggest malice into children. One may be surprised that according to Philippine Laws, being minor in age goes beyond chronological childhood. Alignment to western democratic ideologies is an overused myth. Filipino values are better in so many respects. Are we forgetting that we, Filipinos were betrayed in the Treaty of Paris by two western superpowers at that time; U.S.A. and Spain? And so, why do we have to import the gay and maricon mentalities, too? In fact we claim, the gays and the lesbians along with the others were victims of miseducation which we have to swallow because of our country’s debts.

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