His Real Presence in the Eucharist

Multiple Authors

It would seem that miracles wrought by God concerning the Eucharist is wrath expressed in the violation of His Real Presence and His Holiness.


It would seem that miracles wrought by God concerning the Eucharist is wrath expressed in the violation of His Real Presence and His Holiness.


As far as I can see, there are infractions made against the Eucharist but altho these are usual errors it doesn’t seem that the Lord should mind especially because the sacrifice that already been made, or if it was in progress it simply points to the fact that the bloody sacrifice which was originally in Judaism is the more appropriate. The Jews, as misjudged by the world for having been involved in the crucifixion of Jesus, would only offer animal sacrifices but the Nazarene has brought it upon himself to be judged and sentenced to die on the cross. So if there are indeed miracles accompanying these ritual or safekeeping methods, we assure that God, the God of Abraham and Jacob are correcting sacrifices which will only involve bread and wine and therefore, provide for a bloody sacrifice such as after recognizing Abraham’s loyalty.


It is sad to say that too much emphasis is given to so-called miracle. We know for sure that the senses, even those of scientists and their equipments, are limited in nature and therefore may be dismissed as mere fabrication in a conspiratorial position to assert God’s existence. Likewise, even if alchemy and technology unite in this assertions, if what good should the so-called transubstantiation bring? What does transforming bread and wine to flesh and blood bring save the agreeable fact that Catholic are whimsical cannibals.


Though I am attuned to sympathize with the Jews whose temple provisions are more grand and encompassing, my opinion is that if the Nazarene’s institution of the mass were true, then the Catholics are unwise in making only trivial objects to be used in their sacrifice of that mass. One can not blame God if He shows His miraculous anger since Catholics are not at par with Jews in their objects of worship. Furthermore, I am inclined to think that even if the memorial is simply symbolic, as some Christian denominations claim, the symbolic objects made by some other Christian churches are more encompassing and relevant. Consider the rainbow flag, the dream catchers, the tribal drum, the gathering basket, etc.; are they not really more symbolic of man’s great aspirations expressed in the church? Even the design of the bread to be consecrated lacks glory and art.


Nay, but they are only expressions of modernism that has also caught up Roman liturgy. What ought to be done now is to bring about a revolution to end all these perverted practices. The Temple of God on the Temple mount should be reestablished right away and the prescribed sacrifices made during the time of Moses should be performed anew. Then, this is the only way we can appease God.

We however, say, that violations made are not just mere infractions. They are ritual and post-ritual blunders that have to be corrected. Even today, despite the cruel oppression such as the holocaust, Jews are not misjudged for not recognizing the Messiah. They brought it upon themselves to be blind to His real presence even as He preached in the different forms of Israel. The miracles unsought therefore are not corrections to bring back the bloody animal sacrifices to his church but are rather indicative of mankind’s continuous blunders to take His Real Presence lightly and insignificantly.

Unfortunately, also, for the Sadducees thought, the transubstantiation that occurs every consecration is promise kept by the Son of God who through real biochemistry and cutting edge technology prove His Real Presence in the Eucharist.

Yes, the Catholic clergy may be lacking in zeal and dedication or we may say careless in taking care of the Consecrated Host but the issue is not the opulence or the lack of glorious art. It is in the real recognition and therefore worshipful attention; the very lack of reservation which brought about this miraculous reminders. All items enumerated by the Herodian mind are unworthy perversions in the altar of God. In fact, in the wafer’s simplicity ties the mystic beauty of transubstantiation, unworthy for evil men and demons, as a sacramental nourishment; for the Eucharist is indeed holy and could only cause their annihilation.

Through sympathize with the Zealots in some ways, we advise that the temple hill plan of re-establishing the Temple of God should be avoided for it could instantaneously bring about war and even Armageddon.

Rather we invite the other members of the worldly Sanhedrin to consider the following miracles in the light of reason before you pass any judgement. (Though not all miracles are reactions to human blindness but are real blessings only we opted to show here the human frailty which caused them.)

The Blunders
The Miracles Wrought


Priest places the Eucharist to be given as Viaticum between pages of his breviary, rather than place Him in a pyx or ciborium.

Cascia, 1330 – The Eucharist bleed between two pages of the breviary. It was bleeding when the priest opened the pages to retrieve the Eucharist for the dying man. One page is still display in Cascia today.


Officiating priest doubts transubstantiation. He lets the Host fall into the chalice.

Macerata, 1356 – Blood gushed when the consecrated host falls into the chalice even reaching the altar linen.


Priest was in doubt as he said “Hoc Est Corpus Meum”
Lanciano, 750. Blood from host coagulated into fine chalice which were placed in different reliquaries of different sizes, globules which when weighed, all weighed the same. Yellowish flesh myocardial and endocardial fibroses which are apparently originated from the human heart and yet they are fresh and normal. Blood should have deteriorated unless hermitically-sealed but were fresh type AB+. Only a trained pathologist could have cut it by making a meticulous cut on a living human person.


Peter of Prague doubted Transubstantiation
Bolsena – Orvietto, 1263, Host during his mass at St. Christina’s chapel bled into his arms and even reached the corporal. Because of this incident , the Pope who was contemplating on a new feast for the church, while in Orvieto instituted the Feast of Corpus Christi, St. Thomas because of this feast composed “Tantum Ergo” and “O Salutaris Hostia”


A nun on religious sister helped in distributing the Sacred host., the priest allowed her out of convenience. She discovers stains on Eucharist.
Tixtla, Mexico, 2006 – Reddish substance analyzed were hemoglobin and DNA of human origin. The blood originated from the interior and not exteriorly-induced. Underlying internal layers reveal presence of fresh blood. Tissue had white blood cells, red blood cells and active macrophages that engulf liquids. Tissues are lacerated from a living person because they are from live cardiac muscles. Normally, after 48 hours tissue dies but remained fresh with presence of fresh blood which is type AB+ as in Lanciano, DNA was found but genetic profiling by sequencing failed.


Priest recovers the Eucharist from a woman who had stolen it as a sorceress had instructed.
Opuscul. 34, Patrol Lat, tom 145, col. 573 witness by St. Peter Damiano, Rector of the church “Host that had been wrapped (was) found that it had been transformed in such a way that half of it had visibly become the body of Christ, while the other half preserved the normal look of a host. (Italy, 1050)


Woman stole Host and keep it a linen cloth that immediately stained with blood. Kept in a kitchen cupboard, it emitted light which caught the attention of villagers and consequently church authorities.
Santarem, Portugal, 1247. Instructed by a sorceress, a woman doubtful of her husband’s fidelity stole a sacred Host which she hid in a linen cloth. When it bled, she tried to keep it in the cupboard drawer but the drawer glowed because the Eucharist was emitting light. The woman had to tell the amazed husband and the neighboring people were also made witness to the miraculous light. Hence, the church authorities had to intervene and decided on a Eucharistic procession to bring it back to church.


Host falls unknowingly from the hand of one of the priest. Believing it was dirty it was forced in a vasculum.
Sokolka, Poland (2008) – A woman kneeling ready to receive communion call the attention of a priest who unknowingly has dropped the Scared Host. He freezes for a while, paralyzed with fear and deciding that it was already dirty he placed it in the vasculum. Sister Julia Dubowska, who acted as sacristan secured it better. After a week, it was found to have bloodstain. Analyzed independently by two professionals part of it was declared in 2009 as most resembling myocordial tissue. It did not undergo the process of autolysis or self-destrcution through enzymes. Material analyzed was “composed in all respects of cardiac muscular tissue” . The fragments which composed the Host were tightly interconnected to the fibers of the human tissue; they penetrated each other; as if fragment of ‘bread’ had suddenly transformed itself in ‘body.’


Communion in the hand – person inadvertently let it fall and thought of it as “dirty.” Just left it. The eucharistic ministers opened the tabernacle and saw the Host has turned into blood.

Buenos Aires, 1996 – Faithful let Sacred Host fall inadvertently and thought not to pick it up because it was dirty. Another more pious person took it up informed the priest. Fr. Alejandro Perez placed the Host in a vessel full of water. After more than a week later, it was found in the tabernacle still undissolved and showed several red stains that grew each day. Biochemical analysis showed entire leukocytes formed.


Pieces of consecrated Host found in the corporal and the priest instructed the eucharistic minister to put them in a vessel of water. Several priests checked on them and found them bleeding.
Another consecrated Host bled in May, 1992, and was placed in distilled water. From the two Host was found fragments of human DNA. Dr. Robert Lawrence is the expert on human tissues thought they were human skin with white blood cells. Several drops of blood were found in the paten after two evening masses. In 1994, the Eucharistic minister saw a drop of blood running down the side of the tabernacle where he took the pyx. According to Prof. Frederick Zugibe, the patient from whom the sample was taken had some thrombi, the white blood cells were in the tissues and therefore were pulsating. There must have been a blow at the level of his chest for this painful dynamism. His expiration must have been very painful. Sample was from a myocardium tissue from the inflamed left ventricle. Of special interest is the fact that the myocardium is the muscles which gives life to the whole heart and body as the Eucharist does with the church. And the left ventricle because it where the purified blood comes from. It is our Lord that purifies the Church. What is even miraculous is that white blood cells are present even after several years and confirms a painful dynamism; a sacrifice and since these are intact the sample are pulsating and therefore, alive. In 2001, the correction that it may be human skin was corrected by Prof. Eduardo Linoli of the Miracle of Lanciano experience and combined that the fragment was of the human heart.


Jacquette, a certain woman dozed off a little waiting to be given the Eucharist but when she came to, on the cloth covering her hand was a bloodclot instead. The priest had already turned away and the Eucharist was lost.
Blanot, France, 1331 – a woman fell asleep while waiting to be given the Eucharist. She woke up just in time to see the priest turning away but in the cloth covering she had on her hand was a bloodclot where the Eucharist had fallen. The bloodclot continued to grow even if the cloth was placed in water to the size of the original Sacred host. The priest decided to cut it out from the original piece of cloth and had it deposited in the tabernacle and was left forgotten through hundreds of years. It was lost during the French revolution but was rediscovered unchanged in the tabernacle. Until today it is found in St. Martin’s chapel.

Now, there are many of these Eucharistic miracles but we decided to select only these few for the blunders done by men in the other miracles were really criminal as in Siena in 1730, where the Eucharist confers remained pristine when robbers took the pyx and in Legnica in 1130 where the silver pyx was the real target of burglary as in Wawel in 1300 where the target was the monstrance.

Other miracles in fact were abundant blessings indicating His Real presence and other Catholic truths such as a Triune God, his mastery of the element and the emission of light. (“I am the Light”)

In closing, we ardently wish that the present member of the militant church be more caring especially the priesthood specifically on the belief of transubstantiation and His Real Presence. Hence, we enumerate again the blunders committed and how disrespect is at times shown to our King.

  1. 1. Priest doubts Transubstantiation: Macerata, Lanciano, Bolsena
  2. Attempts to use in sorcery; most possible if it is communion on the hand; witness of St. Peter Damiano, Santarem
  3. Handling Eucharist by non-priests (nuns, Eucharistic ministers), Tixtla, Buenos Aires
  4. Laxity of priest handling Sacred Host; Sokolka, Buenos Aires
  5. Careless handling by Priest, irreverence; Cascia, Sokolka, Buenos Aires

Finally, although many blunders have been made in Buenos Aires where, Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio, our present Pope, hailed it must be noted that the events there proved many truths. In fact, the DNA finding showed only the presence of the X-chromosome in the double helix sequencing. There was no Y-chromosome detected. Why? Jesus Christ has a human mother but He does not have a human father!


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