But we rather say say that the race in the wide road to perdition and apostast is never an option for the Catholic Church for the mass when instituted by Christ as a perpetual sacrifice did not include women, not even His beloved Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary who was as the Magnificat prophecy state is blessed among woman and will ne called blessed by the generations to come.
Even before the coming of the Messiah, the order of Melchizedek, mystical as it is, and the Sevites, set aside by God, as the tribe where the priesthood should come, as recognized by the Torah, never included women. Such exclusion should never be interpreted as aggressive to women for the role of women had always been dignified by the traditions of Judeo-Christians societies.
Even the Quran which also recognizes the Virgin Mary in a very high esteem spirtually never allowed women. Imams, ayatollahs, emirs or caliphs at any rate Mohammed had to simply follow the faiths which were ahead of islam or the faithful might find Allah a bit strange for it was already uncomfortable for some to find Aysha rebuking the Prophet, even as a wife should.
But we are not envious of the Anglican Church for its modenism for Elizabeth I was a foretaste (poor taste) of a female church rule. Her posturing of the Blessed Virgin Mary while secretly grieving for her boyfriend indeed made people notice the Queen such that Edmund Spenser had had to write “My Faerie Queen” without knowing perhaps that fairies are demons. And why are we not surprised with transwoman deacons? Didn’t Gregorio Aglipay consider woman as “heaven on earth”? Of course, these churches need more recognition even at the expense of spreading heresey since they are running a rat race for more “crediblity” and therefore, membership.