Attitude of the Modernist Catholics
Attitude of the Traditional Catholics
Modernist attitude towards the Traditional Latin Mass
Traditionalist attitude towards the Novus Ordo Mass
Similar to the modernist, the Traditionalist doesn’t like the Novus Ordo Mass because for them it is invalid and its form is from the Protestants. But this Holy Mass is under the Catholic Church, that is why it is still a valid. But the grace that the faithful received from was not full. Its grace was reduced when Pope Paul VI reform it, unlike the Traditional Latin Mass where we receive its full grace. We cannot say that the Novus Ordo Mass is invalid because the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is still present. God never abandon His faithful. The Traditionalist has the grace to attend the Traditional Mass but how about the good Catholic people who did not know its existence? If we say God is not present in the Novus Ordo Mass, then we declared God did abandoned His faithful even they are Good Catholics. The Traditionalist must refrain this kind of thought. In order for the other Catholics to correct their ways including the modernist, we should share the Sacred Tradition with them. Just like the Saints including the Apostles whom went all over the world to teach about our Lord, and they mainly teach the pagans whom does not know the true God.
Now you know the teachings of both Catholics, how do we approach them? How to deal with them? To approach the modernist, most of them welcome you with a smile so you teach them with a smile. To the traditionalist, we must also approach them with a smile even though they have their own belief, we must show them that we also believe in the truth but with love.
Brethren, we must remember. When we go to the Holy Mass, what is our number one priority? It is our Lord Jesus Christ! When we attend the Novus Ordo Mass, we pray to Christ and worship, but we must do it in a proper way without clapping or any liturgical abuses. If they don’t kneel in front of the Eucharist, kneel even you are the only one to do it. Receive Him using the tongue while kneeling even if the priest or the ministers will get mad at you. If you attend the Traditional Latin Mass, we went to worship Him and pray. It does not matter if you don’t like the community in this parish or its location is too far. Because what matters is we attend the Holy Mass for Christ, we also offer ourselves to Him and only to Him, not for the people around us.
We are Catholics, and worship Christ our Lord including His presence in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. This is our number one priority.