How often should we receive Holy Communion?

Jude Missa

During the Last Supper, our Lord commanded His Disciples “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this for a commemoration of me.” (Luke 22:19). Following His commandment, the Apostles celebrated Holy Mass and gave communion to the faithful. It is very important because Christ promises that those who eat His flesh (Sacred Host) and drink His blood shall have everlasting life. Our Lord Jesus Christ is presented to us in the form of Bread, the Holy Eucharist, each time we attend Mass. But how often should we receive Holy Communion?

According to the Code of Canon Law 920, the faithful are obliged to receive it at least once a year. But also, according to 917 Canon Law, a person can receive communion twice on the same day during the Holy Mass and this often happens to the Altar Servers or Lay Ministers who assist the Holy Mass. Only those who are in the Age of Discretion can receive Holy Communion (from Age 7)

In the past, some saints recommended receiving it more than once a year, while others recommended receiving it frequently. St. Cyprian, St. Jerome, St. John Chrysostom, and St. Ambrose mention daily reception. It was customary in the Middle Ages to receive it three times per year. The Fourth Lateran Council established a general law that required the faithful to receive it once a year, and it was validated by the Council of Trent. Though some Religious Orders receive Holy Communion more than once such as the Dominicans who received it four times a year, the Dominicanesses fifteen times and the Poor Clares six times. Saints like St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Vincent Ferrer advocate for receiving it frequently. Gabriel Garcia Moreno, the seventh president of Quito, Ecuador, had communion every Sunday, a rarity at that time. Popes Pope IX and Leo XIII advocated for daily communion, and Pope St. Pius X granted its official approval.

Now that we have heard the words of the saints, it would be beneficial to hear them from our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. During her apparition in Lipa, Batangas, Philippines on March 25, 1994, she accompanied Sister Teresing with a message that contained the Holy Communion:

“Do little sacrifices and receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist frequently.”

There’s a reason why the saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary encourafe us receiving Holy Communion frequently. If we really want to receive our Lord, we avoid committing mortal sin, inorder for the absolution and restoration of Sanctifying grace that we receive in the sacrament of penance will not be in vain. If we continue to receive Him in the state of grace, we have a high chance of avoiding any kind of sin until we are united with Him.



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