Is the Flat Earth Theory Truly Absurd?

Felipe Fortitudo

As a disclaimer, I am not sharing this to change your perspective on astronomy as it was taught to us in school. This article is simply the result of my personal questioning of the Lunar Landing, which, in my personal belief, was the greatest hoax of the 20th century. I may be wrong in my suspicions, but in the process of seeking the truth, I must validate whether the information released by NASA are all valid. In my research on this matter, I have discovered even deeper findings that, at first, made me laugh. But as my research deepened, many testimonies, based on history, observation, and science, suggest that it is indeed possible the Earth is FLAT and not a GLOBE as we have been taught since childhood. Crazy, right?

The Universe as Taught in School

We are taught that the universe began with a powerful explosion, which is known as the Big Bang Theory. The universe continues to expand, and it is similar to our Solar System where the planets, including Earth, orbit around the sun. The distance from the Earth to the sun is 93 million miles, while the moon is 260,000 miles away. The Earth rotates on its own axis in 24 hours, and the moon orbits Earth in 28 days.

Ancient civilizations believed that the Earth did not move, but that the sun and stars moved across the sky. This was also the belief of the early Church, as it aligned with the Holy Scriptures. Ptolemy was the most famous proponent of this system, and it was accepted for a long time. But in the 1500s, Nicolaus Copernicus preached the heliocentric system, where the sun is the center. This theory was opposed by Tycho Brahe, a wealthy scientist, who argued that the Earth did not move. His studies and equipment were advanced for his time, due to his wealth. Johannes Kepler, an assistant to Tycho, admired Copernicus. After Tycho’s mysterious death, Kepler took all the data collected by Tycho and used it to support Copernicus’s model. Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion were later used by Sir Isaac Newton to strengthen his concept of gravity. According to Newton, gravity is the reason we don’t fly off into space. From the Earth’s orbit around the sun, to the tides rising and falling, and even the falling of fruit from trees, gravity affects everything.

The Moon Landing on July 30, 1969

In the 1940s, at the start of the Cold War between the US and Russia, the two nations competed to develop rockets to study space. Russia sent its first satellite into space in 1955, and in 1961, they sent the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space. The US was determined not to fall behind, and the Apollo 11 mission was the first to land on the moon, followed by six more missions. Many have questioned whether the moon landing really happened, citing inconsistencies in the photos and videos released by NASA. For example, there are lighting issues in the photos because there is only one light source on the moon (the sun), so shadows should be consistent. However, some experts noticed secondary light sources that were obviously set up to enhance the photos. In some videos, wires were used to make the astronauts appear weightless. Another glaring issue is the waving of the American flag in a vacuum, which should not happen. One thing I noticed, and which cannot be explained, is the image of Earth from the moon. Given the size of Earth compared to the moon, and the distance between them, Earth in their photos appears incredibly small.

Many more pieces of evidence suggest the Lunar Landing was a hoax to prove to the world that the US was the most powerful country. At that time, and even today, NASA is the only organization with information on space, which makes it easy for the public to accept everything they release. Although some countries now have their own space centers, they are still connected to NASA.

My question is: if NASA could fake the Moon Landing, could the photos of Earth and other planets that they have released be true? But before we answer that…

Reflecting on the Creation of the Earth According to the Book of Genesis

If we believe in the Bible, it seems that NASA’s portrayal of the universe does not align with the description in Genesis. Could the early people who believed the Earth was flat have been right? For a long time, this was the belief of many civilizations, and even the early Church. In fact, during Galileo’s time, it became a heresy to oppose the idea that the Earth was flat. Even Martin Luther did not support the heliocentric model.

Here is what Genesis 1:3-10 says:

 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.
5 God called the light “Day,” and the darkness He called “Night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”
7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so.
8 God called the vault “Sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so.
10 God called the dry ground “Land,” and the gathered waters He called “Seas.” And God saw that it was good.

The “firmament” mentioned here is what we refer to as the sky. It separates the waters below from the waters above. There is no mention that the Earth revolves around the sun.

Is the Earth really a globe and rotating on its axis around the sun?

According to those who believe in the Flat Earth theory, the Earth is stationary and never rotates. The Earth is a flat disk, and it is within a “firmament,” as also described in the Bible. The sun and the moon are the same size and orbit in a clockwise direction above the Earth. The sun and moon are not millions of miles away but are much closer to Earth. The Yin-Yang symbol from ancient China represents the orbits of the sun and the moon. The moon has its own light and does not reflect the sun’s light. Many observations, such as eclipses, suggest the presence of unseen celestial bodies. The moon might not be round, and its crescent shape, resembling the flags of some Muslim countries, could be because it is translucent and sometimes stars are visible within it during a half-moon phase.

Here are some additional arguments for a flat Earth:

  1. Schools teach that when a ship disappears over the horizon, it proves the Earth’s curvature. But with modern technology, cameras like the Nikon P900 can zoom in and prove that the ship has just gone out of sight, not disappeared due to curvature.
  2. If the Earth were round, why does the horizon always appear flat at any altitude? This has been observed from Mt. Everest, high-altitude planes, and weather balloons that reached 30 km.
  3. Water always seeks to maintain a level surface. If the Earth were round, the oceans would not appear level but curved.
  4. If the Earth is round, why are there no direct flights over the South Pole? Flights between Australia and certain parts of the world do not pass over Antarctica. Could this be because Antarctica encircles a flat Earth?
  5. Astronomical observations, such as the rotation of the stars around Polaris, suggest that perhaps the Earth does not rotate, and the stars move instead.

There are many other points to consider in the flat Earth theory, but I will stop here so as not to overwhelm you with information.

The Earth is truly mysterious, and perhaps we have been deceived or conditioned to accept things as we know them today. Does NASA know the truth? I believe they do. In the 1950s, the US tried to explode the firmament multiple times during Operation Fishbowl. Some astronauts have claimed that it is difficult to leave Earth due to the Van Allen radiation belt, which is said to be strong enough to melt metal. But NASA claims that they surpassed it due to the speed of their spacecraft, which allowed them to avoid most of the radiation. The Van Allen belt is believed to surround the firmament.

The Implications to our faith if the Earth is proven flat

If we discover that the Earth is flat, many Biblical events would make more sense. For example, the flood described in Genesis might be better understood as involving the firmament separating the waters above and below. Events like Joshua commanding the sun to stop or the opening of the heavens at Jesus’ baptism make more sense on a flat Earth. Many prophecies in the Bible, such as those in Revelation, are from the perspective of a flat Earth.It will also open our eyes to the truth that the information we are receiving is false and merely intended to deceive people. 

In conclusion, while I am not entirely convinced that the Earth is flat due to the questions I still have, I am sharing this to encourage you to think critically and reflect on what you’ve heard. As some flat Earth proponents suggest, the best approach is to “unlearn” what we’ve been taught. Through this process, and with prayers, we can uncover the truth and know for ourselves if my research is beyond the limits of what is reasonable.


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