The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist

Jude Missa

The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is the most known sacrament in the Catholic Church, which every catholic adore and receive in the Holy Mass. It is not only a sacrament, but also a Holy Sacrifice.

What is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist?
It is the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord, which is contained, offered and received in the Holy Mass under the appearance of bread and wine. Our Lord Jesus Christ instituted this sacrament during the last supper. During the consecration in the Holy Mass, the bread and wine will become the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. But the appearance and taste will remain the same.
Who can consecrate the Bread and Wine?
Only the Priest who can consecrate the bread and wine.
Who can give Holy Communion?
Only the priest can give Holy Communion to the faithful because their hands are consecrated to hold it. Lay ministers, nuns or any person who is not a priest are not allowed to touch and give Holy Communion even if the priest said that they give them power.
What are the effects of the Holy Communion?
1. It increases sanctifying grace and the fervor of charity
2. It forgives venial sins.
3. It is of great help for final perseverance: by diminishing concupiscence, preserving from mortal sin, strengthening the soul in the practice of good works, and producing spiritual consolation.
4. It increases fervor and powerfully helps us to act in accordance with the will of God and the plans of Jesus Christ for each of us; it gives a pledge of future glory and the resurrection of our body.
Does the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ during Traditional Latin Mass?
Yes, it is. As long as it is under the Catholic Church. Some people are confused because the Vatican II reformed the Holy Mass and think that the Traditional Latin Mass is not valid anymore. Even if it’s the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) or the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Christ in the Traditional Latin Mass.
Does the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ during the Novus Ordo Mass?
Even if there are many changes in the Holy Mass, the Novus Ordo Mass is still a valid mass. And the bread and wine still become the Body of Blood and Christ in this Mass.


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