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The Book of Life is Without an Author?

For centuries, scientific materialism creeped in and has influenced our understanding of nature. This belief holds that everything can be explained through material processes, making the invocation of an immaterial, divine being, unnecessary. Charles Darwin captured the imagination of the past centuries by removing the designer from the equation with his theory of evolution, particularly natural selection through random mutation. Though this theory has been the corner stone of biology and has made great progress; it also aligned with the agenda of humanism, which sought to remove God from the picture, appealing to many thinkers across generations.

Is the Flat Earth Theory Truly Absurd?

As a disclaimer, I am not sharing this to change your perspective on astronomy as it was taught to us in school. This article is simply the result of my personal questioning of the Lunar Landing, which, in my personal belief, was the greatest hoax of the 20th century. I may be wrong in my suspicions, but in the process of seeking the truth, I must validate whether the information released by NASA are all valid. In my research on this matter, I have discovered even deeper findings that, at first, made me laugh. But as my research deepened, many testimonies, based on history, observation, and science, suggest that it is indeed possible the Earth is FLAT and not a GLOBE as we have been taught since childhood. Crazy, right?

The Mosque of Muhammad’s Night Journey

Whenever Mohammed was confronted by throngs of unbelievers who doubt his prophetic claims, he would say that he was just sent to warn the people and not to perform miracles. There were even times that he would ask the provocateurs to wait and yet nothing ever happens. One can’t blame the Jews and Christians especially in Yathrib (Medina) because they knew the fact that real prophets can really perform miracles as recorded in their writings and oral traditions.

Geometry and its Earthy Lessons

In recent years, the rise of the information age and the internet has brought forth renewed attention to a scientific hypothesis rooted in strict biblical fundamentalism from the early 19th century. The notion of a flat earth, fueled by the widespread use of social media, has gained immense popularity on platforms like Youtube, attracting hundreds of millions of views and giving rise to a fervent fascination with conspiracy theories. Although the concept of a flat earth may seem unfamiliar and peculiar to many, it originated in the 1830s as the brainchild of a quack doctor named Parallax.

The Great Inferior Primate

Juan Luna's magnificent masterpiece "Hymen, oh Hyménée!" has resurfaced to the public and is now being exhibited at the Ayala Museum after 132 years. Luna thrived during a golden period of artistic success from 1884 to 1889, a mere 25 years after the publication of Charles Darwin's groundbreaking scientific treatise "The Origin of Species" which postulated the theory of evolution by natural selection. Later, we will try to see how the concept of multiverse plays within the Mystery of God’s Creation.

Multiverse or God?

The reason why I chose the topic is that after watching the movie Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness by Marvel, I realized that it might be a good idea to discuss where all this madness is coming from. Obviously how it penetrated popular culture, film, comics, video games etc. Another interesting movie in a multiverse setting is Spiderman No Way Home also by Marvel, but for now we will focus on Dr. Strange. Later, we will try to see how the concept of multiverse plays within the Mystery of God’s Creation.

On the Fifth Century of Philippine Christianity

It was about five centuries ago when a sign of contradiction was transplanted in the islands. It was akin to the Byzantine sword brandished by Constantine the Great, whose cruel character as an emperor was transformed into a child Principe Constantino, to escort the representation of Santa Elena. At the same time if one holds the blade (kapit sa patalim), it was the cross of a faith that will triumph in the end.

The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas’ best-known work is The Summa Theologica (Summary of Theology), a collection of all of the main theological teachings of the Catholic Church, intended to be an instructional guide for theology students. Quinque viæ, translated as Five Ways or Five Proofs, are five logical arguments regarding the existence of God can be found in this book.

No Salvation Outside the Church

The Latin phrase extra Ecclesiam nulla salus means "outside the Church there is no salvation". It is a Catholic Dogma adapted from the writings of San Cypriano of Carthage, bishop of the third century. This doctrine is very vital to human salvation and is based largely on the Gospel of Mark 16: 15-16: "He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned."

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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