The Traditional Catholic Societies

Jude Missa

During Vatican II, many changes occurred in the Catholic Church. These changes cause problem and affects the spiritual faith of the people. If we remember protestant reformation, these protestant wants to reform the Church and ignore the sacred tradition that was obtained from the previous Christian teachings including the teachings of the Apostles and the church fathers. The church called for the Council of Trent to solve this problem until the solution came under the reign of Pope St. Pius V. Return to the tradition and organize everything. These results the Tridentine Mass and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The solution of the Council of Trent remains until the modernist called for reform, which is similar to what the Protestants wants. And it happened during the Second Vatican Council.

Where changes were made according to the likings of the Protestants. After that, a sad result which many priests and nuns resigned. The Catechism, no longer teaches in school and churches which resulted that many faithful does not know the Catholic Faith. And what makes worse is that Protestants are now using the lack of a person’s education about the Catholic faith to invite them to their false church and share a false teaching. But the main problem with the Vatican II Council is the changes in the Holy Mass. Unlike the solution in the Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V, the Vatican II solutions end in a disaster. But, some priest whom still followed the Sacred Tradition and wants to main the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the truth about Catholic Faith, remains in the Church to fix these problems. These are the Traditional Catholic Societies.

Who are the Traditional Catholic Societies? 

They are a groups of Priests, nuns and faithful who wants to restore the Catholic Tradition that strengthen the Catholic Faith. The tradition was tested in the previous years, which results of many faithful Saints such as St. Camillus, St. Rose of Lima, St. Francis De Sales, and St. Padre Pio. One of their main missions is to maintain the Tridentine Mass or what we all know as the Traditional Latin Mass or the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. 

When did the Traditional Catholic Societies start? 

During the Vatican II Council, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre lead a group of cardinals, priest and theologians to oppose the changes in the Church including the Holy Mass. But sadly, they failed. Then, a group of French seminarians approaches him to teach them according to the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Then in 1970, he instituted the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to continue the Sacred Tradition including the Tridentine Mass. When Archbishop Lefebvre ordained four bishops without the Pope’s approval. Him and the four newly ordained Bishops were excommunicated (but not the SSPX) which results of some priest leave the society and form their own Traditional Society, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) under the approval of the Pope John Paul II. After that, many groups of priests formed their own Traditional Catholic Societies including the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) and the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR). 

If the Bishops of the SSPX were excommunicated, is it okay to attend the Mass of the SSPX? 

Only Archbishop Lefebvre and the four Bishops were excommunicated but not the priest and the faithful who are under SSPX. But the excommunication was lifted by Pope Benedict XVI. In short, it is okay to attend the Holy Mass of SSPX because they are catholic and still under the Catholic Church and accept the leadership of the Pope. 

But some people called SSPX Schismatic, is it still okay to attend their Holy Mass? 

SSPX are not Schismatic because they still have the same Catholic Faith. Though they did not accept the modern teachings of the Vatican II Council, including the Novus Ordo Mass, their status is not schismatic. 

Is it okay to attend the Traditional Latin Mass even if the Pope restrict it? 

Yes, it is okay to attend the Traditional Latin Mass even if there’s a restriction of the Pope. The SSPX is not under these restrictions and FSSP was not part of the restriction. But let us pray that this restriction will be lifted so our good priest can celebrate the Traditional Holy Mass. 

Are there Traditional Societies who don’t recognize the leadership of the Pope? 

Yes, these are the Sedevacantists societies such as the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) and the Society of Saint Pius V (SSPV).

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