It seems that China is bent on making war with the Philippines.
As far as I can see it, Sino-Philippine diplomatic relationship is deteriorating because of conflict in the west Philippine Sea which both countries are claiming. All these started when China arbitrarily built military fortifications and barracks on some coral islands. PRC knew very well that as a giant superpower nation, RP has no chance if ever a war ensues between them. It would definitely be a David vs. Goliath situation but this time no God could perhaps intervene as in the bible story because both are having claims for the marine environment in question because of its promise of natural wealth and not for any spiritual reason.
It is a common finding by international scientists that the disputed area is very much rich in fossil fuel deposits aside from the rich biological source of food. This is very timely as there is competition for food for the growing populations as well as the fact that it seems that the oil supplies from some usual suppliers may be depleted.
Former President Rodrigo Duterte thought it wise to have international cooperation specifically between China and the Philippines because the island republic does not have the technology yet to get the fuel deposits for optimal use.
This however, was seen as an unpatriotic gesture by some Filipino politicians and intellectuals especially because the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled that the Philippines have the legal right to use of disputed area. China however refuses to acknowledge the said Hague decision.
It is quite sad to say that China has no respect for international maritime laws such as the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and has its own ownership formulation. Such principle is however infringing on the rights of other nations which uses the international waters for sailing. China is therefore adamant in maintaining control of the reefs, shoals and other submerged areas by pulverizing corals to build artificial islands which was turned into military installations.
If the Philippines would like to partner with any other nation in using the natural resources of the West Philippine Sea, then it should not be China because of its uncontrollable greed. It could be one of the European countries, US or any other friendly Asian country being bullied also by China. Or it could just bide its time and study the technology on its own so that it does not have to partner with any political entity other than itself.
The Philippines should be wary of any other multinational intervention because in the past, it had been betrayed by so many of the so-called decent free countries of the world.
The Chinese construction of military facilities in the WPS is quite admirable. It shows how resourceful the Chinese are. In fact, some of the building materials used by the Chinese are secretly taken from some Philippine provinces proving the “fact” that the archipelago is a province of China. For instance, sand for concrete were taken from some beaches and are known perhaps to some municipal mayors or even provincial governors.
The Chinese construct of the “Nine-dash-line” use the history of Chinese dynasties the past 2,000 years as a historical bases is more admirable as it makes use of the names given by Chinese explorers and maritime traders to different islands. This was proclaimed by China in 2009. At the Hague, this was disputed by Sec. Albert Del Rosario on instructions of Pres. Benigno “Pnoy” Aquino upon advice by Former Associate Justice Antonio Carpio and other local and foreign experts in January, 2013. Consequently, the Hague Court found the Chinese claim
in conflict with UNCLOS which assigns 200 nm or 370 kms. to the sea as part of country’s territory or economic zone and beyond that the international waters where foreign vessels can freely ply without violating the country’s territorial limits. This was the reason why the Philippines won over China in the legal dispute. But China is unteachable, it had just come up with its “Ten-dash-line” to include Taiwan.
But most admirable is the way the POGOs came into existence in many Philippine towns and cities with the Chinese invading the Philippines without the Filipinos realizing it. As every one knows, the Chinese have their Chinatowns in most developed and developing countries and these could harbor PRC intelligence. But gaming and other entertainment and residential features allowed the entry of even criminals into the islands making liable even RP’s national security and opening the people to more heinous crimes. This is even commendable than the Chinese gesture of providing infrastructure packages to friendly nations who would like to receive aid in terms of yuan.
Imperial Roman:
I am inclined to say that we are addressing the question yet. I wish to say that the Philippines is not ready for war. This is exactly the reason why China is bullying the island republic. Although much have been done to alleviate the lives of soldiers the armed forces still lack the modernization needed to be at par in a possible armed conflict especially with China. If one visits any of the Chinese cities today and you turn on the television, the state-controlled channels continually boast their superiority in strength and
continues to reiterate among the Chinese that the Philippines is just a part of China. Therefore, if you are a Chinese, you continue believing that like Taiwan, the Philippines is just there for their taking. I also have reviewed China’s missile capabilities and the Philippines just don’t have it. it may appear strange to the reader but the first Marcos actually was working for self-sufficiency in army modernization except that American imperialism was against it and only wanted total reliance on them. In other words, they want RP to buy their obsolete ones. Perhaps, only a few of you would remember that the Philippines already have back then the Bongbong II prototype missile which was Filipino-made.
Unfortunately, the Philippines had always been betrayed and left alone by his friends and allies until help is hardly needed anymore. For example, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo’s army was already triumphant against the Spaniards but the moro–moro between US and Spain was staged in the mock battle of Intramuros to save the face of the kingdom which had enslaved the Filipinos for more than three centuries. The Philippines was sold by Spain to US in the Treaty of Paris. It’s just like the plaster of Paris treatment, white all over and very thin as a form of friendship. Moreover, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower decided to liberate first Europe rather have the US liberate first its little brown brothers who kept its American allegiance in Bataan and Corregidor. It’s the plaster of Paris again in the figure of the statue of Liberty. When the liberators came, the Japanese were already too weak to fight the guerillas. And Japan simply used heroes like Emilio Aguinaldo and Artemio Ricarte for their propaganda of the East Asian prosperity.
At present, the Philippines is buying its missiles from India but they are still to be delivered by next year. And as a dignified Roman I would advise Filipinos not to accept missiles from North Korea even if they are just given out. Remember the Trojan horse, the classic example of which was the Chinese “gifts” to the Filipino people such as the POGO hubs, vaccines etc. In fact, in terms of war materials, those who bought Chinese military wares found themselves in the losing game.
Chinese armaments are found defective by the following countries who bought them; Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Venezuela, and even its co-producer, Pakistan. The last one being sold ships which are defective in its defense and offensive systems. They may be cheaper but these goods are bad.
Mythical Greek
(starts only this issue; to provide some humor to balance the very serious nature of the content) And speaking of POGO hubs, yours truly, true to being Dionysian like the Olympic opening entertainers, rode on a pogo stick, to bring the latest on the current developments. It seems that in a Congressional executive session, colonels Roweakna Dhrama and Ninja Tartell Leonardo, as well as Guo Hopping, on a positive note, have divulged the real reasons for the POGOs. They claimed that the money produced by the gaming operations were really intended to finance the refurbishing of the guns of Corregidor and El Fraile islands with ICBM siloes capable of bringing nuclear warheads to China in case the rumored war erupts. Likewise, these guided missiles shall be produced in the modernized Bataan nuclear plant when it has taken roots. Asked concerning the mastermind of the operations, they have revealed it to be the notorious Oracle of Dolphi (not Delphi).
In a separate executive committee hearing, it was found out that the confidential funds in question out that the money in question was to fund the following TESDA courses for senior high school qualifiers. These are the following:
NC III in money laundering (NC I level is to leave money in soiled clothes for the washing machine), NC III in kidnapping, NC III in illegal drugs management, NC III in human trafficking, NC III in commodities smuggling, NC III in authority bribing, NC III in internet scam operations, NC II in document falsification, NC II in systematic torture, NC II in drug pushing and NC II in escape and evasion techniques, for starters. It was also learned that these are all intended as offshore learning operations to cater to Chinese victims of depression in the mainland.
Filipino psychologists will also be tapped to teach new bailan and tan ping anti-depression courses. Asked about the huge infrastructures built, it was revealed that they will be rebuilt as TESDA learning centers with faculty and student dorms.
It was after all just a great misunderstanding.
Another great revelation is a secret appeal of China to the Permanent Court of Arbitration after awarding the case to the Philippines in 2016. In this excessive claim China underscored its historical claim by showing the linguistic link of its dynasties to Tagalog words or even in the Filipino nicknames. The following are culled by our intelligence from the said document: Losyang (shabby), siya, Zsa zsa from the Xia and Shang dynasty. Jinggoy and gin from the Jin dynasty. Bulaluhan, gotohan, tau-tauhan from Han dynasty. Switik, switer, suhi from the Sui dynasty. Lumutang, pautang, tanglaw, tatang, tanga,*tang *na mo from the Tang dynasty. Balisong, maning sunsong, bunsong kapatid from the Song dynasty. Katayuan, kaanyuan, layuan from the Yuan dynasty. Paminggalan, mingming (cat) from the Ming dynasty. It is however, requested by the Sanhedrin staff that the reader will not inform both houses of congress because we might be invited for hearings in aid of legislation and be held in contempt if we invoke our right against self-incrimination.
Oh, yes naturally the Filipinos should remember and be able to read behind and between the lines of global news. The PLA virus which brought the COVID 19 virus was cultured in a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, after theFrench microbiologist collaborators were already sent home. Good Chinese doctors who blew the whistle simply went missing when they traced that it all originated in Wuhan. It was in fact, a master plan of world domination whereby the Chinese after having inflicted the targeted population with the virus, victims would not be able to defend their country for a span of at least two weeks. But this warfare biotechnology backfired and leaked right there in Wuhan and the plan did not work out. But cunning as they are, the Chinese still managed to recoup from the losses and still sold their Sino vaccine to unsuspecting populations along with the face masks, shields, PPEs and other materials for something they themselves have started.
But oh yes! Going back to the question the escribe posited, I say the Filipinos, resilient and blessed as they are, are ready for war. Not that they have the means but they will surely find a way if ever the islands are invaded. Didn’t the Japanese learn that? The Americans have to use pledges to tame the Filipino spirit for people like Ola and Malvar. They even have to use traitors and deception in capturing Aguinaldo and in eliminating Macario Sakay. But with all things equal the Filipinos can take on the godless Chinese. Didn’t you see how they ran blindly like mice when the POGO was raided? Besides, it was more of the Filipinos than the Spaniards who fought the Chinese in the Parian uprising. It was the Filipinos left to fight the Chinese waves of attackers during the Battle of Yultong in the Korean war. And yet for this fight, the Filipinos still had to ask the Americans for materials that were just stored in the armory depot.
Now, if the allied countries could only supply the Filipinos with the needed armaments like what they do to the Ukrainians, then there is a strong chance that the international waters of the WPS could be secured by the Filipinos for everybody’s use. Or better still since Vladimir Selensky came by to ask for some small things why don’t they give us the surplus arms given them by their allies? Take note that before the present war, Ukraine is known as a supplier of armaments to other countries including China.
We, brothers appreciate your collective analyses. Materially-speaking, we believe that we indeed are not prepared. Anyway, we Filipinos could not be blamed for starting any armed confrontation because it is never our nature to provoke a quarrel with our neighbor since our republic renounce war as an instrument of national policy. Indeed, in our history we have always been exploited and betrayed even if we show our good nature and take foreigners as our friends. But yes, we are willing to die for our country whenever invaders try to trample our sacred shores. What we can’t do materially, we are sure we can do spiritually, that is with the help of God. The Filipinos can pray collectively, like pray the rosary for the Virgin Mother’s intercession which happened in Lepanto against the Turks and during the La Naval against the Dutch. This is not an alien thing for Filipinos to do as she had already come to the aid of her people repeatedly such as in what transpired in Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro and in Morong when her appearance sent the moro pirates scampering away. In fact, in the unrecognized message of her appearance in Lipa, she was already concerned with the Chinese and their greed and dream of world domination even when it was only 1948 and the dragon was still weak or was still sleeping. This will be our first answer.
Secondly, the Philippines can inspire an international movement to protect the international waters just outside the Philippine’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles by standing its ground like what it is doing right now. Slowly but surely, it is catching worldwide attention and therefore is getting help from friendly nations especially those that ply the international waters. At the time of writing; India, South Korea, Australia, Germany, Japan, Indonesia and Israel aside from the United States have shown support for the Philippine cause. Israel, grateful for the Philippines’ being the only Asian signatory for the UN creation of the state of Israel and for receiving the Jewish refugees during the time of President Quezon gave RP’s access to its Sabrah light tanks, fast attack boats, Elbit communication system and drones. South Korea, on the other hand is grateful for the Philippines military aid during the Korean war and had given RP FA golden eagle fighter jets, frigates and corvettes along with some guided missiles. Indonesia is appreciated for at least giving two landing crafts. India has provided access to RP for the Brahmos missiles it had developed with Russia. Britain, Canada and Germany are the latest help by giving ships for defensive purposes. Spain and France are offering RP to buy submarines from them. The Philippines is expected to receive more access and aids as it continues to modernize its armed forces. This the new policy imposed by the present Philippine president which is a departure from that taken by his predecessor. FPRRD is even said to have taken a gentlemen’s agreement with Xi Jinping revealed by no less than his spokesman but this is denied by him because this could be perceived as a betrayal of trust. If this is true, some analysts believe that this happened because of the indifference made by Barach Obama when made overtures concerning US support which had become obvious to BBM via Joe Biden.
Lastly, China in our collective analysis, is not ready to war in spite of the Philippines being an easy target in accordance with its military might. We believe that the People’s Liberation Army does not have the proper esprit de corps to start a war. This is because the Chinese soldier is too restricted to be contented in his job. With a meager salary, he is also restricted from using a cellphone for security reasons and could not travel abroad like other Chinese citizens. With the oppressive one-child policy made earlier, males were made priority choice by Chinese parents which brought about the lack of suitable brides for soldiers as most likely they will lose out in the competition for the remaining maidens. The incident in Juba, Sudan where the Chinese were sent as UN peacekeeping force showed the flaw in China’s two-faced diplomacy and proved the incompetence of the Chinese soldiers who left their post and allowed criminal elements to harm the Sudanese they were supposed to protect and allowed the relief foods to be looted. There is also too much corruption in the Communist-led government and this is evident in the sinking artificial island fortifications starting with those in Paracel Islands (claimed by Vietnam) built with substandard materials. Only lately, Xi Jinping had fired nine of his generals with most of them involved in the rocketry corruption modus. In an exhibition, missiles were fired but they failed to launch because water instead of fuel were used in them. China because it had aborted its lost generations is now full of city infrastructures without people inhabiting them. Two cities namely Guangsha Tienducheng and Tianjin which are replicas of Paris and Manhattan, a reflection of capitalistic designs, respectively do not have inhabitants in them and are actually ghost cities. Behaviorally, the bailan (let it rot) and tang ping (lie flat and be indifferent) protest gestures of its desperate graduates who could not find jobs because of automation and restrictive government policies point to a deepening problem for the young Chinese. Ironically, China’s air force could not recruit them because being a jet fighter pilot does not promise anything substantial and so, they just lie flat, get sick and be unqualified for recruitment.
Why doesn’t China just give the jet fighters instead to Filipino pilots so that they can have a joint patrol of international waters, not as rivals but as equal friends! On the second thought, if it’s made in China, we should be wary of the Trojan horse or apply a more harsh caveat emptor. Why? It’s because Nigeria, Bangladesh, et al , even ally Pakistan had been complaining about the military hardware they bought from China. They are risks to national security!
Karam M. Zingh
Dale St. Oz
Rampador Alindog II