The Council of Trent

Jude Missa

When the false teachings of Martin Luther spread all over Europe, many faithful left the Catholic Church and started building their own church or joined some protestant churches according to their liking. This event led to Counter-Reformation by starting the Council of Trent.

What is the Council of Trent?

The Council of Trent is a meeting of the Cardinals in Trent. Its main objective is Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival.

When is the Council of Trent began?

The Council of Trent began on 1543 by Pope Paul III.

Why Pope Paul III started the Council of Trent?

It is to condemn the heresies of the Protestants and to fix the issues such as corrupt bishops, priest, financial issues abuse such as the popular selling of indulgences and some faithful Catholics including the priest are not able to defend the Catholic Faith against the protestants. Because of Luther’s Sola Scriptura (Scriptures Alone) and Sola Fide (Faith Alone) teachings, the protestants mainly attack the papacy, the purgatory, the sacraments including the Holy Mass because they are not primary named in the Holy Bible. Some protestants also attacked the mistranslation of the scriptures, prayers including the Roman Missal.

What are the results of the Council of Trent?

During the end of Council of Trent by Pope St. Pius V, the selling of indulgences was abolished. Pope St. Pius V, reform the Holy Mass and named it “Tridentine Mass”. His objective is not to create a new Mass but to return the Holy Mass by making it more uniformed. Before the council of Trent, every church in the world has their own version of the Holy Mass and was celebrated in vernacular language. In the Tridentine Mass, the language that will be used is Latin and some parts of the Mass that was removed during the previous centuries was reused. Pope Pius V commanded that the Tridentine Mass is the only version that will be celebrated in the world. The Council of Trent also released a Cathecism that can be used by the priest and also the faithful in their catechism. The Tridentine Mass is the form of the Mass that was used until in 1969, under the Vatican II Council, Pope Paul VI reformed the Mass according to the modern world which the church used the version of the Protestants. But some Traditional Catholic Societies still used the Tridentine Mass.

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