All About Catholicism

Holiday is a special day when a country or place celebrates by cancelling work or classes for the day. It is derived from the ancient English term hāligdæg, which translates to Holy Day. Originally, this was a religious dedication, specifically by the Catholic Church, which was known as Precepts or Holy Days of Obligation. The church observed a special feast where the faithful were obligated to refrain their work to honor God, the Blessed Virgin Mary or the saints through procession, prayer, and fasting.

The Holy Rosary is the most commonly used prayer of Catholics in the world. It comes in second to the Holy Mass. During prayer, one would use rosary beads with a Crucifix while kneeling in front of the altar in church, chapel, or at home. Prayer was often led by a priest, deacon, nun, lay people in church, or any family member at home.

Many teachings of the Catholic faith came from Sacred Tradition or Oral Tradition, it was passed down through words of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Apostles, to the church fathers and the next generations with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The other one came from Sacred Scriptures, which we all know as the Holy Bible.

As Catholics, we must know the basic knowledge of our faith. It is important to teach this to our brethren, children and to the next generations. In Basic Catechism, we first learn the Four Pillars of Catholic Faith and it is the main focus on the Catechism of the Church from the Council of Trent and by Pope St. Pius X.

If you pray or read the Nicene Creed, you will see the words ‘One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.’ These are the Marks of the Church or also known as the Attributes of the Church. Only the Catholic Church has it because it is the only one established by Christ. The truth is not flowing through the protestants who removed themselves from the Church. Let's look into the significance of each mark.

Sacramentals are places, objects, dates, actions or gestures that give us grace. It reminds us of the grace of the Sacraments, gives us good thoughts, and increases our devotion to God, angels, and saints. It can also give us good health, protection from evil spirits, and help us receive blessings for those who use it. The difference between the Sacraments and Sacramentals is that the Sacraments were instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ, while Sacramentals were recognized sacred signs, objects and acts by the Catholic Church. The Sacraments give sanctifying grace, while the Sacramentals give actual grace. Sanctifying grace makes the soul holy and becomes a child of God, and it is permanent unless we make a grave sin. Actual Grace is a temporary grace that enlightens our mind and strengthens our heart to do good and avoid doing evil.

The Stations of the Cross or The Way of the Cross is a series of images depicting the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. These images are usually placed in Catholic church’s nave where the faithful come to pray during the Lenten season.

As we posted the article 'The History of the Holy Mass', let's answer some questions about it. By answering these questions, we will be enlightened by facts and truths that we should know.

The Sacrament of Penance or also known as reconciliation or confession is one of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It is where we confess our sins to the Priest and where he has us absolution and our penance. Recently, I've been looking for churches near me that has a schedule of confession. Some of the church people do not know the schedule, and some said it depends on the schedule of the priest. I wondered why some of these churches have no confession schedule posted in their parish or online. Is the Sacrament of Penance no longer important today?

Our king is Our Lord Jesus Christ. The King of all creation, the King of all kings, and the Prince of Peace. While His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. If her Son is the Prince of Peace, she is the Queen of Peace. The Church promotes Our Lady of Peace since 1482 and it was promoted again during World War I when Pope Benedict XV added Our Lady of Peace to the Litany of Loreto. This title was utilized once more in the Philippines as Mary, Queen of Peace. Let’s revisit history.

We recently shared what is the Traditionalist and Modernist Catholics and their beliefs. Now, we would like to share their attitudes and also their expression about the Catholic Church, Vatican II, the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass.Take note, this thing that we share about them doesn't mean that all of these Catholics have the same attitude. Let's get started.

During the early 19th and late 20th century, modernism slowly entered the church and the modernists wanted to reform it. But it was easily defeated by Pope St. Pius X when he restored the Tridentine Mass to its original form and spread catechism to every church and school. The modernist clergy cannot do anything but return to tradition. Until a modernist pope, Pope John XXIII opens the Second Vatican Council. And made many reforms until his successor, Pope Paul VI, executed most of its plans, including the reform of the Holy Mass, known as the Novus Ordo Mass. This event divided the Catholics, which are The Modernists and the Traditionalists.Today, these two types of Catholics are having a battle of words including social media. In this article, we will discuss these two Catholics, their beliefs, and their attitudes. We will also share how we approach them and give advice to these two.


Ang Propesiya sa Huling Panahon

Ang propesiya ay mga mensahe ng Diyos na karaniwan ito ay babala, paalala at gabay sa mga propeta na binibigyan nito. Nakatatanggap din ng propesiya ang mga santo at kahit ang pangkaraniwang tao na pinili ng langit na bigyan ng pambihirang tungkulin na maghatid ng Kanyang mensahe.
The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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