The Importance Of The Saints

Jude Missa

In the Catholic Church, we worship only one God. But we also give importance to the angels and saints in Heaven including the Blessed Virgin Mary by celebrating their feast day and pray for them. The protestants think that we Catholics are worshipping the Saints, which is not true. We only venerate the Saints in Heaven and veneration is not worshipping.

Why are Saints important in the Catholic Church? 

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our role model that we should follow. But the Saints are important to us because they are the great example of people who applied the teachings our Lord while they were here on earth. They also pray for us while they were in heaven. They are our intercessor to our Lord Jesus Christ. Their prayers are more heard because they are with God 

Why is it important to listen to words of the Saints? 

While the Holy Scriptures, including the Gospels shows us the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. The words of the Saints teach us how to apply these teachings and how to understand it more because some scriptures are not easy to understand including our generation today. Some make their own understanding of the scriptures including the protestants which is a danger to the faith. While the Saints apply the teachings from the Sacred scripture with the Sacred Oral Tradition. Sadly, when many people ignore the quotations or words of the Saints while not knowing that these are the samples of application of the words of the Holy Scripture. 

What is the role of the Saints in Heaven? 

The Saints are our intercessor to God in heaven. They pray to God for us together with Blessed Virgin Mary. They are not happy go lucky in heaven, one of their roles is to pray and worship our God closer than here on Earth. 

Do the Catholics worship the Saints? 

No. We don’t worship the saints, we give commemoration to them and pray for them. Praying to the saints is asking them to pray for us, who are sinners. We asked them to guide us, pray for us when we are in danger or while we are sick. 

Instead of becoming a saint, can we become angels in heaven?

 No. When we go to heaven, we cannot become angels because they are different heavenly creatures than us. This belief is the effect of some movies and television series where when a person died including an infant, they will become angels in heaven. But it is not true and the creators of this series or movies has lack of research. And even though they are fictions, some viewers believe this is true. When we go to heaven, we became holy, we became saints.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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