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The Gift of Gold, Myrrh and Frankincense

Christmas is all about the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A season of traditional gift giving in many parts of the christian world. This custom is a symbolic reminder of the Three Kings who gave their gifts of offering to the newly born Messiah. Many christians always see a manger scene of the Three Kings paying tribute to the Holy Infant. They have in their hands special gifts that bears spiritual meaning.

The ‘Parol’ of Our Lives: Christ

Christmas is celebrated early by devout Catholic countries. Christmas music and decorations start to pop up as early as September in every homes and cities. One of these décor that is extremely common in a country like the Philippines is the display of the christmas parol. The parol from the Spanish word farol or lantern, is a traditional christmas décor from the Spansh colonial period in the Philippines. The most common shape now is a star to represent the star of Bethlehem. Thou different materials are used today with flickering lights on display, simple bamboo and japanese paper were originally used before to produce parols. In the Philippines these were carried in a procession called Panunuluyan (Lodging). A tradition of the reenactment of Joseph and Mary searching for a place to stay in Bethlehem.

Who is Santa Claus?

Every Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we start decorating our house with Christmas lights and Christmas trees, playing Christmas songs and buying gifts for our loved ones. In European and Western countries including America, there is another popular tradition during Christmas, and that is placing a sock near the chimneys. Why do they place a sock near the chimney? Because the kids are hoping that they will get special gifts from Santa Claus. But who is Santa Claus? Is he real? Does he go into the chimney and place a gift on every sock? How can he fit in the chimney if he is fat? The last question is just a joke. Anyway, this popular character was based from a real-life person, a saint. His name is Saint Nicholas of Myra.

The Advent and the Wreath

The Advent is the time of preparation which last for four weeks before Christmas. The Advent came from the Latin word “Adventus”, which means “For arrival” which refers to the arrival of our Lord. It is unknown when the exact year the Advent started but it was celebrated in 480 A.D.

Praying for the Dead

When we have our loved ones departed from this world, we Catholics pray for them or offer a mass for them so that their souls will be with our Lord. This praying for the dead is a tradition in the Catholic Church and is not accepted by other Christian denomination like the Protestants. In this article, we will answer the frequently asked questions about our tradition of praying for the dead.

What is Halloween?

October 31 and November 1, are the days where many people in the world celebrate Halloween by wearing costumes like Frankenstein, vampire, a ghost and wearing a devil horn headband or watch horror movies. But the main question is, what is Halloween and is it really for a horror celebration? As a Catholic and member of Christian Community, we must know these important details about the Halloween.

Little-known Patron Saint: St. Corona, A Crowning Glory for Women Martyrs

The corona virus pandemic that has already killed hundred of thousands of people worldwide is the reason why, all of a sudden, people are aware of a Christian martyr believed to have been tortured to death by the Romans about 1,800 years ago. Her name Corona, which means "crown" in Latin. Let's discover St. Corona's story, whose feast day is May 14.

The Power of the Holy Cross

The cross has been a symbol of the church from the early years of Catholicism to the present. No catholic church will not carry a cross, either on its tower, the door and especially the altar. The crucifix is a cross with the image of the Savior Lord Jesus Christ nailed to it. This sacrament can be seen in various forms and sizes, and is highly revered by devout Catholics. In praying before the cross or crucifix we Catholics remember the suffering and sacrifice of the life of Christ.

St. Philomena

According to the story, she died on a Friday at three in the afternoon. Two anchors, three arrows, a palm symbol of martyrdom, and a flower were found on the tiles in her tomb, as symbols of her martyrdom. St. Philomena is the patron saint of infants, babies, and youth.

On the Fifth Century of Philippine Christianity

It was about five centuries ago when a sign of contradiction was transplanted in the islands. It was akin to the Byzantine sword brandished by Constantine the Great, whose cruel character as an emperor was transformed into a child Principe Constantino, to escort the representation of Santa Elena. At the same time if one holds the blade (kapit sa patalim), it was the cross of a faith that will triumph in the end.

The Seven Joys of St. Joseph

The great Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas once said that “Some saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy, in certain needs, but not in others, but our holy patron St. Joseph, has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking.“

The Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph

This year from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021, in honor of the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph’s proclamation as patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis in his decree has proclaimed this year 2021 as the Year of St. Joseph. The pope has timely declared this honor as St. Joseph also has been part of giving great care to Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary, Mother of God during his life.

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