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The Born-Again Christians

When Martin Luther left the church and started the protestant movement, a number of heretics created their own churches, in the belief that they built the true church of God. They left the one, true, apostolic and Catholic Church that our Lord Jesus Christ has founded. Some of them even copied the rites and doctrines of the Catholic Church. As years passed, the Church entered modern world and “modernism”, as Pope Pius X said, brought evil to the faith. Protestants fully embraced Modernism. The use of ballad and rock music can now be used in praying and in worship. Sharing of life experiences is very common within the group and you will be asked "Have you accept Christ as your personal savior yet?" This is the Born-Again Movement, also called Born Again Christians and Evangelical Protestantism.

The Catholic Charismatic Movement

During the previous century and before Vatican II, the protestant become popular to people because of their modern approach, as the Catholic Church remains faithful to Traditions. When Vatican II Council started, many changes occurred to the church including the Holy Mass which becomes similar to the Protestants. Because this is the solution of the Vatican II Popes when modernism spread to the whole world. Even though a reform happened to the Church, the protestants still have their way to attract more people to join their false religion. This is when the Born-Again Christians was born. More popular music genre in their worship such as ballad and rock, Bible Studies and no more sacrifice such as kneeling when worshipping God, you can just raise your hand and sing along with the music. Some modernist priest tried to bring this method to the church such a Mass in TV where there is dancing and clapping, but some wants to remain its solemnity. But some faithful including lay ministers saw the methods of the Born-Again, they build an organization or movement for Catholics with protestant approach. They were called Catholic Charismatic Movement or Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

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