What is Valentine’s Day?

Jude Missa

On February 14th, many men will purchase flowers and chocolates and go on a date with their girlfriend or wife. Couples value this day highly because it is a romantic day for them. But when did the celebration of Valentine’s Day start and why is it called Valentine’s Day?

What is Valentine’s Day?
The day was marked as a day of love around the world.
Why it is called Valentine’s Day?
The word Valentine is from St. Valentine of Rome.
Why was it celebrated on February 14?
Because it is the feast day of St. Valentine.
Who is St. Valentine?
He is a Roman Catholic Priest of the third century. While defending Christ’s truth, he was imprisoned by a Roman Judge named Asterius. St. Valentine’s faith was put to the test by Asterius when he brought his blind daughter to him for healing. If the saint cures his daughter’s blindness, he will promise that he will do anything for him. St. Valentine put his hands on her eyes and she was healed. The saint asked to get rid of all pagan idols and fast for three days. Asterius was baptized by his family and 44 maids as well. Then he released the Christians who he imprisoned.
St. Valentine was arrested once again when he continued baptizing people into Christianity. Until he was brought to Rome under the reign of Emperor Claudius Gothicus. One of the reasons why the saint was imprisoned was because he secretly performed marriages for Roman couples and helped persecuted Christians. He attempted to convert the emperor, which caused him to become angry. He asked St. Valentine to abandon his religion and offer it to the Pagan Gods, but he quickly refused. He was condemned to death. Before his death, he sent a letter to the daughter of Asterius which stated ‘From your Valentine’. These words have become inspiration for romantic letters and songs.
The beheading of St. Valentine took place on February 14, 269 A.D.
If February 14th is the Feast of St. Valentine, why is it only known as a romantic day?
It all started on 13 Century where Geoffrey Chauser’s poem The Parliament of Fowls was dedicated to the first anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England and Anne of Bohemia. Then, in the following centuries, romantic poems were released during the feast of St. Valentine. But in these centuries, the feast of St. Valentine is widely celebrated instead of romantic poetry and letters. But when America became the most influential country in the world, they slowly changed this celebration to a romantic day for couples. America was known as a Protestant country. The feast of the saint was slowly forgotten by its influence. What’s worse is that under the Vatican II, Pope Paul VI removed his feast because of the lack of documents about his life.

Brethren, you may celebrate February 14 as a romantic date, but we should not forget the Saint who died for the truth and his faith in God.
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