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Our Beloved Padre Pio: A Heart full of love

When the heart relic of Padre Pio was brought to the Philippines in October 2018m, a fitting celebration was held for the 50th anniversary feast day of Saint Padre Pio who died September 23, 1968. The heart relic of the saint was brought to the different parts of the archipelago and a great number of devotees flock to the incorruptible heart of the saint. Traffic jam was experienced when it was brought to the National Shrine of Padre Pio in Batangas. Everyone headed to the south of Manila. Pilgrims even had to park their cars distant kilometers away from the shrine, and many people walked in order to reach the place. A great number of people flock to the shrine day and night to show their reverence, faithm, respect and love to him. But who is Padre Pio? Why is so much love and reverence are given to him by his devotees?

The Seven Sorrows of Mater Dolorosa

As a Marian devotee, we’ve seen images of Mary with seven daggers pierced to her Immaculate Heart. The Mater Dolorosa as we call her reminds us of the sorrowful journey of the Mother of God. Mary more than anyone in the world truly understood God’s plan to send Jesus, His son for the salvation of mankind. When she received from Archangel St. Gabriel the message of God, "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you." The Blessed Virgin was filled with divine wisdom and grace to comprehend and brave the path they both have to cross. A prophecy mentioned by Prophet Simeon when baby jesus was presented at the temple: And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed (Luke 2:34-35 Douay-Rheims Bible).

IN CHRIST. Thou shall not hunger and thirst

And Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall not hunger: and he that believeth in me shall never thirst. - John 6: 35 When Jesus saw the need to feed about five thousand people he sought a way with his apostles. Andrew did see a boy with 5 barley loaves and two fish. From here Jesus took the loaves: and when he had given thanks, he distributed and also of the fishes shared to the multitudes. A miracle witnessed by many.

The Protective Wings of our Guardian Angel

One of the main things a Christian parent teaches his young child is having a guardian angel, other than the Trinity of God, our Mother in heaven with the Blessed Virgin Mary, making the sign of the cross and going to Holy Mass on Sundays, we are taught pray to our guardian angel.

Get Blessed by St. Blaise

Every 3rd of February, there is a tradition of blessing of the throat in the Holy mass of the Catholic church. A day after candlemass, priests would make a simple rite of crossing two candles on the throat with a short prayer, especially asking for grace from a miraculous bishop from the 4th century named St Blaise.

God’s Message in Various Ways

From the beginning of time God has been watching His creations. He knows our weakness due to sin. Because of this, he had ways communicating with mankind. His great love is evident with His messages, sent in various ways to make sure we all get a chance to His kingdom in heaven.

Mary, Our Eternal Queen

Catholics call her Our Mother, the Blessed Virgin, the Cause of Our Joy, Mother Most Powerful, Mother of Our Savior and many others. We know for certain that she is the woman clothed with the sun mentioned in the book of revelation. We all have this special attachment as Christians to her for our faith and God’s spirit guides us that Mary is our Mother and queen.

Song and Prayer of the Church

It is human nature to recognize a beautiful melody or song. By singing we convey our feelings, the utter joy or in times of sorrow. Even going to holy mass is a pleasant memory on parts when parishioners sing in unison. Sometimes the singing of the community is louder than the choir but the beautiful melody and lyrics of the songs are praises of joy and faith.

The Power of the Holy Cross

The cross has been a symbol of the church from the early years of Catholicism to the present. No catholic church will not carry a cross, either on its tower, the door and especially the altar. The crucifix is a cross with the image of the Savior Lord Jesus Christ nailed to it. This sacrament can be seen in various forms and sizes, and is highly revered by devout Catholics. In praying before the cross or crucifix we Catholics remember the suffering and sacrifice of the life of Christ.

When Nature Strikes, Who You Gonna Call?

Every catholic is taught to pray to God, Mary, the angels and saints in times of great need. To make that plea and help to God’s special saints when nature strikes is an instinct for any devout catholic who knows his’ saints.

The Seven Joys of St. Joseph

The great Doctor of the Church St. Thomas Aquinas once said that “Some saints are privileged to extend to us their patronage with particular efficacy, in certain needs, but not in others, but our holy patron St. Joseph, has the power to assist us in all cases, in every necessity, in every undertaking.“

The Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph

This year from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021, in honor of the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph’s proclamation as patron of the Universal Church, Pope Francis in his decree has proclaimed this year 2021 as the Year of St. Joseph. The pope has timely declared this honor as St. Joseph also has been part of giving great care to Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary, Mother of God during his life.

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