Advisory Via Ephesus

During the start of the EDSA (Epifanio de los Santos Avenue) revolution, February 22, 1986, the forces under Fidel Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile gravitated in Camp Rafael Crame with the Commander in Chief’s forces ready to pounce on them. During that time Enrile, the Secretary of national defense was divulging that the alleged ambush attempt on his life was just staged in order to justify the imposition of martial law just as in the case of the so-called “Light a Fire” Movement. On the night of the break-up as Ramos and Enrile did not want being arrested, Jaime Cardinal Sin asked the people to bring food to the soldiers in Crame and if possibly protect Ramos’ group. On the next day multitudes of people came to answer the archbishop of Manila’s call.

A good soldier of the militant church must also be ready to work as a spy for God’s army or to say the least be knowledgeable in intelligence work because intel is inferior to God’s wisdom. Hence, a devout Catholic should be in the world and out of the world at the same time. He must therefore be seen as a person living in the modern world with the essential trappings of heretical modernism.

A wounded soldier had given me inspiration about a subject I had always been lecturing since my return to Catholic practice and this is on Spiritual Warfare. I am always attuned to dividing it in three parts so that I can always have a thorough discussion. These would be Conventional Warfare, Espionage and Unconventional Warfare. Later, we will try to see how the concept of multiverse plays within the Mystery of God’s Creation.

This is a story recounted to me by my wife. When she was still an assistant Principal of Emilio Jacinto Elementary School in Manila, the school was visited by the Division's elementary science supervisor, Mr. Felipe Saclamitao, and the person assigned to welcome and assist him, he told her this story.

The relationship between temperance and anxiety is not obvious. People have excesses that can bring about so much anxiety.

"Mr. de los Santos, where's your sense of justice?!" The self-righteous superintendent was grilling me, "Why are you being seen in different places with X. Of course, you know what he has done."

Of course, I knew what he was supposed to have done. "He's my friend, Madam," I said casually. "If you were accused like him I would have also done the same thing for you."

One after hears about faith, hope, and charity and takes them for granted as naturally emanating from man as Divine Gifts. Only a few however know that these virtues do not occur naturally. They can only be given as graces by the Trinity of the virtue of man's desire to be good by exercising the four essential virtues.

Are you suicidal? If you are, perhaps you have lost the meaning of life. Losing one's meaning in life may be due to any of the following: a) someone or some group must have defined it for you, b) the meaning you yourself had built had been eroded or proven contrary by the events that happened in your life or c) the definition of your life or the understanding of it had proven futile or inutile. One of these could be the reason why you would like to end your life.

As I write this for you, clever men and women of the internet-telecommunications industry are already deploying smaller 5G towers and cell sites across the world. This technology will indeed make uploading and downloading of information much faster than it already is. This must be wonderful news. However, studies from 3G to 4G technology allude to the fact that there is a great danger to humanity already exposed to them, how much more if we use 5G technology?

About AVE

Advisory Via Ephesus is a page dedicated to problematic truth seekers. It provides expert advice concerning Christian ethics, Catholic apologetics and insights on Neo-Judaism. It evaluates behaviour not from a limited scientific viewpoint but on a metaphysical Judeo-Christian foundation which defies a godless modernism. It does not worry about the feel good requirements of modern day guidance and counseling but finds conscience as a built-in spiritual mechanism that allows the soul to reason the gravity of sin and therefore allows the free will to liberate a human person from systematic deception.

Therefore, it does not offer any guidance and counseling format which is only existential in its nature and does not recognize the feelings of guilt just so it can render the seeker to feel good. AVE operates on the definition that faith in the oneness of mind and heart. Simply stated, it defines too much use of mind or reason as not faith, but a fake, and too much use of the heart or emotion as not faith, but a fake. Only True Faith can set the truth-seeker free and only True Faith can provide real Hope so that one can have Sincere Love.

AVE recognizes the true worth of guidance advocates tasked by school authorities to direct wary ward teeners. AVE discerns the value of the sincere attempts to help and therefore provides an avenue for discussions on how to effect positive discipline. AVE opens the forum to genuine ecumenical discussions on matters of faith rather than close possible means at arriving at the truth because of too much care for rational philosophy and systematic censure.

AVE Therefore believes in sincere applications of the spiritual works of mercy as tangible proofs of the Real Presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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