Pope Francis: Ambassador Plenipotentiary

Dr. Ricardo B. de los Santos, PhD

There is no stopping Pope Francis. If John Paul II may be said to be the most traveled pontiff during his lifetime, Jorge Bergoglio may actually break his record and in so doing bring about so many records between the Vatican and the countries he has visited during his pontificate.

Actually, even if he stays in Rome, his modernistic views are in fact reasons for leaders of others to gravitate around him so that the support he can give as universal religious leader may be put into good use.

In my novel, I shortly mentioned Pope Francis’ stint with Sufi philosopher and Sunni High Imam Al-Tayeeb which led to the Universal Brotherhood of Man declaration in Abu Dhabi. A few years later he came back to the United Arab Emirates and was even met by Prince Al-Nahyan when he arrived. Apparently, the UAE sovereign was in support of the accord which some observers found to be groundbreaking and trailblazing.

The culmination of this accord in fact is the building of three mostly identical buildings in Abu Dhabi’s ecumenical garden of World Brotherhood. Here, three buildings give justice to the beautiful landscape; one was the modern masjid complex named after the accord counterpart of Francis, another was the Christian church complex named after Francis and the third the Jewish synagogue complex, completing the third of Abrahamic faiths; or the world religions with the Patriarch Abraham being identified as the forerunner of its beliefs systems. I have yet to know how this Jewish center will be named as the accord was only bilateral and had no Jewish representative to complete the three.

Of course, his visit to the other countries with bishops under his pastoral care had always been considered successful in spite of the usual problems which are a conundrum to address, such as homosexuality in the clergy and what is seen as the oppression of traditional priests who would like to continue saying mass.

Back in Rome where it seems that everything is quiet in the western front what brought a little excitement was the Amazon synod. This was because a Pachamama ritual took place in the Vatican garden with some cardinals and clergymen present, along with the Pope. In attending this, the Pope, it was suggested, only diplomatically welcomed the rite of the nature goddess of the Amazon river tribes as an ecological statement of care for Mother nature. In so doing, the Pope who was never seen to kneel or prostrate themselves before the idol as some Christians did, was simply giving his ecumenical blessing to the efforts of the nations and communities trying to protect the Amazon forests.

In a more perspective manner, especially what is recorded on the Garabandal (Spain) prophecies. The Pope’s contemplating on a trip to Moscow to meet with Russia’s Vladimir Putin provides another exciting stimulus. Why? Because accordingly a pope’s visit to Russia is an ominous event mentioned in the end times.

If I were Francis and I came to know about this, I wouldn’t try going to Russia even as the same Bond reason like “From Russia with Love” invitations. I would better be careful about “doomsday prophecies” coming from children visionaries. Look at Angelo Roncalli, he died with his boasts on in ushering in a splendid growth in the church. Not a prophet that he was, he never knew that the Modernism he has instructed to welcome has brought about a downfall or downtrend in the living numbers of the church as reflected in US alone as attributed to Kenneth Jones: (to name a few)

  1. In 1958, 74% of Catholics went to the Sunday mass; in 2000, there were only 25%.
  2. In 1965, there were 1.3 million infant baptisms, while in 2002, there were only 1 million despite population race.
  3. In 1965, there were 126,000 conversions, but in 2002, there were only 80,000 converts.
  4. In 1965, there were 352,000 Catholic marriages, but in 2002, there were only 256,000 Catholic marriages despite population rise.
  5. In 1965, there were only 338 annulments, but in 2002, there were 50,000 annulments!
  6. In 1965, there were 58,000 priests but in 2002 only 45,000
  7. In 1965, there were 1,575 ordinations to priesthood, but in 2002 there were only 450.

The saints, Angelo Roncalli and Giovanni Montini, architect and engineer of Vatican II, respectively, must be turning in their…. wait a minute, these are saints!

And yet, Jorge Bergoglio continues to fan the funeral pyre these two have started using his Holy Office as a great means to promote his ecumenical diplomacy.

As a diplomat, he did not have a solid start announcing himself only hopefully humbly, as Bishop of Rome. Then we see the snub that he was when a lady touched him. He didn’t complain that some power had left him. But his reflex action, he was still far from the resignation already readied for him by the gall braggadocio of the St. Gallen Mafia agenda evaluators.

Then as the need arose and he needed to stand his ground or the St. Gallen men will have to remind him, he had to reverse the lifting of the ban to say Latin Mass by his predecessor, Benedict XVI.

And now, as he is back to his guise as Pope, let us consider his great diplomatic achievement for World Brotherhood and Order:

  1. In the Abu Dhabi ecumenical diplomacy, a very high grade of course except that any Jewish rabbi may adamantly refuse using that synagogue or even as a gathering place socalled of Jews, unless it would be given a jewish blessing. Unfortunately, such a blessing could not be done anymore, because the edifice is already standing there and such a blessing could be moot and academic. The best way that a Jewish rabbi can have it is not to take it as a religious site but perhaps a temporary resident for Jewish tourists invited into Abu Dhabi.
  2. The Pachemana ritual which at the end of the Amazon synod also brought the blessing not only of the idol, but other ritual gifts contained in the native boat brought about the questionable undertaking, while the baldachino altar was at the background and also with the archaeologically accepted grave of St. Peter very close to the space used for the ritual brings a sensitive question to the mind of a staunch Catholic believer. What is the limit of this so-called ecumenism since pagan rites are already being performed in the Church’s most hallowed ground and in the presence of the Church’s most holy office present? If the Abu Dhabi accord and implementation is adultery done in a hotel, is this not adultery done even in one’s home? What is now the limit of spiritual prostitution as shown by Abu Dhabi and that one done in Rome?
  3. Russian penetration by communist young men sent to Rome had been a touchy conspiracy theory alongside the Alta Vendita plan. Knowing that Francis I had already been gifted by Vladyemir Zolensky. Ukraine President, with a Madonna and Child, where the Child Jesus was desecrated by blackening him out, simply to dramatize how children are suffering in Ukraine because of its war with Russia; how does one think Vladimir Putin thinks about this. One must remember that the Ukrainian President is nominally a Catholic (nominally because we do not believe that he is in the proper mindset) and Vladimir Putin is an avowed Russian Orthodox. He even posed so that his people can see how he reverentially kissed the forehead of the Russian Orthodox Metropolitan during his funeral wake. Now, this is not a small diplomatic thing to deal with as it goes to the very gall of extreme ecumenism. Ambassador Francis, are you ready?

For whatever it is, let us truly acknowledge the gospel of peace that our Pope is trying to apply. May the Love of Jesus Christ be with him. And may the peace of Allah may be with him, too.

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