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Our Lady: Terror of Armies

I do not wish to prove something new. Before the cases I will mention in this article Our Lady’s intercession had already been proven several times such as in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, La Naval de Manila in 1646 and the Siege of Vienna in 1683. However, since there is a continues diabolical plot by some Protestants and anti-Marian movements to undermine the role of the Mother of God in protecting her children, allow me to recount her role in at least three decisive events in the last two centuries.

Of Victims and Scapegoats

"In Athens, Socrates was a victim of a pure democracy, a passive submission to a pagan authority; In Russia, the family of Czar Nicholas II, was a victim of pure communism, an explosive subjugation from a godless revolution. Which is a better ideology? Any political entity would fail the people it serves when it is without God. And yet, perhaps one would ask, why in Jerusalem, under the Roman puppet kingdom of the Herod Agrippa, Jesus Christ was crucified or why in the Hejaz, in the Arab wasteland of the Nomads; Mohamed, the greatest prophet of Allah and his band were killing tribesmen; both in the name of God." Ricardo B de los Santos Principal, SAID, -July,1984 “Leadership Training”, LPMHS

The Man from Kerioth

Dr. Ricardo de los Santos, in his many talks concerning mysteries and the supernatural one time spoke of the very first vampire. And this he said he based on an old Jewish legend which circulated in the very first century. Some of us were really surprised when he revealed that the very first vampire was not Count Dracula himself but someone more notorious and tragic when presented as he is. He disclosed that this is the enigmatic man from Kerioth; the ultimate traitor himself, Judas Iscariot. How this came to be is one the subplots of Dr. de los Santos’ second novel, he said.

Offering Solutions Rather than Being Harbingers of Doom

I know that Rico del Sol is one of you. I can't blame my younger brother because he had always been a hopeless romantic. But I am a man of science, I even wrote a book in science but this does not make me a slave of modernism either. However, your tone and orientation in In Factum is always subjective, heightened by emotional appeal and may therefore be considered ad hominem. I hope that you will disprove me as I do not ascribe to your ideas of a pope leading his flock to apostasy and especially of the church dying right in front of us, the militant church. As proof of your objectivity, therefore, I request that this article of mine will be published in your forum, in its whole length, form and context. And with that I will have done my part as probably you believe that you have done yours.

Of Robots and Humanoids

It was in Karel Capek’s “Rossum's Universal Robots”, that the word robot was first used. And also in this play, the question on how the robot’s raised consciousness was likely to affect it’s creator: mankind. Today, we are experiencing the damning existence of that question and the phenomena of robots even seemingly more intelligent than anyone of us.

Spaced Out

There are so many accounts of unidentified flying objects (UFO) now called UFVs (Unidentified Flying Vehicles), but in our studies let us consider one of the most controversial ones; one which involved a high-ranking naval officer that one which involved Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd of the United States Navy.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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