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Fiducia Supplicans: The Philippine Reaction

It was reported that the document of the Catholic Church allowing the blessing of same sex couples by priests was welcomed by the Filipino Bishops. We know that this will bring about a mixed reaction from the Filipino lay people. But for those who feel negatively about this, hold on your reins, being obedient to the will of the Pope as programmed by his synodalities, via his artistic Prefect of the Dicastery of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez doesn’t necessarily translate to a tragedy.

On Humility

The Holy Spirit has given an insightful lesson on the practice of humility through nature. The Jordan River in Israel is the lowest body of water in the world. It is also the site where St. John, the Baptist baptized his cousin, Jesus Christ, our Lord during the start of His messianic ministry.

Blessing Same Sex Couples

It seems to that the Sankt Gallen Mafia has finally done it; they have now the Church allowing the blessing of same sex couples with the document Fiducia Supplicans.

On Communion in the Hand

The insistence of the modern sacerdotal movement to totally eliminate the communion using the tongue is part of the diabolical plot to undermine worship of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Although, we accept the Novos Ordo Missae, we deplore the awful persistence of modern priests instructed by their bishops to prevent the practice of communion in the tongue despite of its being legitimate and true to Church tradition.

On the Loss of Holy Traditions

It seems to me that the Catholic Church is losing its holy traditions fast with the obvious choice of cardinals and bishops for the Novos Ordo Mass and their preference to the practice of communion in the hand.

But Seriously, Why Cyrus?

Have it occurred to you to ask something amazing. Cyrus is not from the twelve tribes of Israel? He is not even a Jew nor a Samaritan?, so why did the biblical prophets spoke about him? Why would the Lord even rouse him as a conqueror after His own heart’s desire? Why did he become the rapacious bird from the east who would subdue nations?

The Many Faces of Wokeism

It seems that wokeism or the tendency to defend and institutionalize the new World Order Key Elements (WOKE) is the order of the day.

Mimicking Christ, Our King

Many are wondering why Cyrus, the Great had been sent by God as His instrument or even as prefiguration or even as prototypical as of his reigning on earth. Cyrus was not even a Jew nor Christian but could be numbered as among the pagan rulers of the earth. But God works in mysterious ways and is quite amazing in the manner by which He conveys His message of faith to His people. But God is the king without precedence and he does not need any cause for His royalty nor honor as no one among the kings could be as Holy as He is.

The PISA Philippine Results

Thank God, we outdid four countries in the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment). This assessment given to 15 year-old students specifically on their performance in reading, science and mathematics. Otherwise, the Filipinos would be at the bottom of the 81 countries which participated. There was a slight improvement from the 2018 results which former Deped secretary hoped for but this was negligible prompting VP Sara Duterte to launch “Catch Up” Fridays where students are expected to read books, articles or anything that interests them on Fridays.

Feminine Supernatural Powers

Each civilization or culture is endowed with examples of feminine supernatural powers. Egyptian and Greek civilizations are replete with goddesses of different shapes and orientations from where the people get their inspiration. In fact, some of them have crossed cultural currents in order to continue with the next set of people or generation. For instance, The Greek goddesses from Olympus simply acquired new names when they were adopted by pagan Rome such that Aphrodite simply became Venus, the goddess of love.

Alas, What Names!

It seems that Allah in revealing himself through this prophet made some blunders concerning hi identity.

Halloween: The Protestant Jubilee

The Walpurgis Night or the most important witches’ night occurs on Halloween before All Saints’ Day. Accordingly, during this magical night, warlocks and witches performing their rituals will be granted by the Devil their hearts’ desires. It was also the eve of the feast when all Catholics get ready to honor all their friends in heaven. It was October 31, 1517 when according to Philip Melanchthon, Martin Luther, a priest of the Catholic Church nailed his 95 theses on the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Electorate of Savoy of the Holy Roman Empire. This event as disputed by protestant scholars couldn’t possibly be known to Melanchthon as he only transferred to Wittenberg a year later. This makes us ask the question, is it impossible to know something of the recent past if one isn’t a resident of the place.

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