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The Traditionalist and the Modernist Catholics (Part 1)

During the early 19th and late 20th century, modernism slowly entered the church and the modernists wanted to reform it. But it was easily defeated by Pope St. Pius X when he restored the Tridentine Mass to its original form and spread catechism to every church and school. The modernist clergy cannot do anything but return to tradition. Until a modernist pope, Pope John XXIII opens the Second Vatican Council. And made many reforms until his successor, Pope Paul VI, executed most of its plans, including the reform of the Holy Mass, known as the Novus Ordo Mass. This event divided the Catholics, which are The Modernists and the Traditionalists. Today, these two types of Catholics are having a battle of words including social media. In this article, we will discuss these two Catholics, their beliefs, and their attitudes. We will also share how we approach them and give advice to these two.

The Conversation of God and the Devil – The Vision of Pope Leo XIII

The battle between good and evil, God and the Devil was started when Lucifer together with the other angels rebel against God. God's army of angels with St. Michael the Archangel as their leader defeated them. They become the fallen angels, or most commonly known as the devils or demons. Then, Lucifer, or most commonly known as Satan, tempts Eve to eat the Fruit of Knowledge and share it with Adam. Which results in disobedience to God, the fall from grace of humanity, and the birth of Original Sin. Until the Blessed Virgin Mary listens to St. Gabriel the Archangel and obeys the will of God. It resulted in the birth of our savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. He lives as a human like us. He built the Catholic Church on St. Peter's foundation. He suffered and died on the cross to save us, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven. God won again. The Devil always challenged God and tries to attack the church. Until Pope Leo XIII saw a vision and heard the conversation between God and the Devil.

The History of the Holy Mass

It is crucial for us Catholics to attend and pray the Holy Mass every Sunday. Here we give thanks to God, to offer sacrifice as Christ offer his life to us and to receive the body of our Lord which is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Most of us know that the Last Supper was the first mass in the world. But we don't know how it's celebrated in the form of the Traditional Latin Mass, why the bread becomes a white circle shape waffle and how the Mass becomes a Novus Ordo Mass which is widely celebrated today. Let's find out!

The Greatest Love in the Holy Mass

Have you experienced of doing something for your love or for other people, but still, they ignore you. Is it pain that everything you've done to them, yet they still don't remember your sacrifice. Now you know this feeling you must understand that there's one person who also experience this and it is not just days, months or five years, but it's been 2000 years and still, the people ignored his sacrifice, and that person is our Lord Jesus Christ, who has been tortured, crucified and died because He love us. Even so many years have passed, still He loves us and show it in the form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Where the greatest love of all was given, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

The Traditional Feast of Christ the King

You may notice that today, we post the Feast of the Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ or mostly known as the Feast of Christ the King. While the world knows that this feast was celebrated on the last Sunday of November, we post it in the last Sunday of October. The reason is because today, is the original date of this feast before Pope Paul VI moved it.

Defending the Catholic Faith  (Part 3)

In our previous defense of the Catholic Faith, we defend the nature of God that we Catholics believed. Defending our faith also teaches others including the next generation. Today we defend other topics that the protestants usually criticized about us Catholics.

Defending the Catholic Faith  (Part 2)

Defending the Catholic Faith is a duty that we must fulfill including the priest and those who serve in the church. It is not only defending our soul from our persecutors but also strengthens the faith of those who listen during the defense, including our loved ones. Previously, we shared three topics about the Catholic Faith that we answered to defend it. Now we would like to share more:

Defending the Catholic Faith  (Part 1)

Catholicism is not just another religion in the world, but the religion that only Christ built upon St. Peter the apostle. But since this is the church that our Lord created, the devil will do anything to destroy it. Not just outside the church, but also from within. They will attack our Catholic faith and those who had a lack of knowledge which has a possibility to weaken its faith, either they will leave the church or chose not to believe in God. Many us are not knowledgeable about our Catholic faith, mostly to our generation today because of lack of Catechism that most churches are not providing anymore since Vatican II. We must defend our faith not just from other religion such as the Protestants, but also from our fellow Catholics whom are influenced by the Protestants and Modernist. As Catholics, our faith is important. This defense is not just for our own soul but also to others including our loved ones. In this article, we will provide things in our Catholic faith that we must defend.

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