In Factum

Our Lady: Terror of Armies

I do not wish to prove something new. Before the cases I will mention in this article Our Lady’s intercession had already been proven several times such as in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, La Naval de Manila in 1646 and the Siege of Vienna in 1683. However, since there is a continues diabolical plot by some Protestants and anti-Marian movements to undermine the role of the Mother of God in protecting her children, allow me to recount her role in at least three decisive events in the last two centuries.

Fiducia Supplicans: The Philippine Reaction

It was reported that the document of the Catholic Church allowing the blessing of same sex couples by priests was welcomed by the Filipino Bishops. We know that this will bring about a mixed reaction from the Filipino lay people. But for those who feel negatively about this, hold on your reins, being obedient to the will of the Pope as programmed by his synodalities, via his artistic Prefect of the Dicastery of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez doesn’t necessarily translate to a tragedy.

On Communion in the Hand

The insistence of the modern sacerdotal movement to totally eliminate the communion using the tongue is part of the diabolical plot to undermine worship of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Although, we accept the Novos Ordo Missae, we deplore the awful persistence of modern priests instructed by their bishops to prevent the practice of communion in the tongue despite of its being legitimate and true to Church tradition.

Mimicking Christ, Our King

Many are wondering why Cyrus, the Great had been sent by God as His instrument or even as prefiguration or even as prototypical as of his reigning on earth. Cyrus was not even a Jew nor Christian but could be numbered as among the pagan rulers of the earth. But God works in mysterious ways and is quite amazing in the manner by which He conveys His message of faith to His people. But God is the king without precedence and he does not need any cause for His royalty nor honor as no one among the kings could be as Holy as He is.

Halloween: The Protestant Jubilee

The Walpurgis Night or the most important witches’ night occurs on Halloween before All Saints’ Day. Accordingly, during this magical night, warlocks and witches performing their rituals will be granted by the Devil their hearts’ desires. It was also the eve of the feast when all Catholics get ready to honor all their friends in heaven. It was October 31, 1517 when according to Philip Melanchthon, Martin Luther, a priest of the Catholic Church nailed his 95 theses on the door of the All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Electorate of Savoy of the Holy Roman Empire. This event as disputed by protestant scholars couldn’t possibly be known to Melanchthon as he only transferred to Wittenberg a year later. This makes us ask the question, is it impossible to know something of the recent past if one isn’t a resident of the place.

As God is Their Witness

The present conflict between Israel and Hamas presents an update of a long existing conflict concerning between the resettled Jews and the people of Palestine. Even if the DNA typology of these peoples would show a common ancestry, it would be a futile attempt to establish peace between co-existing Israeli and Palestinian states side by side. The simple reason is that both their state religions are hostile to one another in a common claim that the lands that they both claim are God-given.

Esau and Jacob in Today’s Priesthood

Rebekah may not be rebuked for her connivance into deceiving Jacob's father, Isaac for giving Jacob the blessing reserved for the firstborn son. This is because even when the twins were still in the womb, Rebekah was already told by the Lord:

    “Two nations are in your womb
    and two people born of you shall be divided;
    the one shall be stronger than the other,
    the elder shall serve the younger
    -Genesis 25:23

Ishmael and Isaac in Today’s Priesthood

It was Sarah's idea, being advanced in age, that Abraham would father an heir through their slave, Hagar. Hagar naturally accepted the prospect of being mother to Abraham's heir for she had nothing to lose but gain. And then, the patriarch's firstborn, Ishmael came to be.

Cain and Abel in Today’s Priesthood

Cain was a tiller of the land while Abel pastured his flock. As Adam's sons, they both have access to God. In their respective altars, they could offer God their very best so that God in turn, can acknowledge as His own like Adam before Eden was lost.

The Man from Kerioth

Dr. Ricardo de los Santos, in his many talks concerning mysteries and the supernatural one time spoke of the very first vampire. And this he said he based on an old Jewish legend which circulated in the very first century. Some of us were really surprised when he revealed that the very first vampire was not Count Dracula himself but someone more notorious and tragic when presented as he is. He disclosed that this is the enigmatic man from Kerioth; the ultimate traitor himself, Judas Iscariot. How this came to be is one the subplots of Dr. de los Santos’ second novel, he said.

A Solution from a Harbinger of Doom

I'd like to make a confession. My elder Arci is right. I'm indeed a hopeless romantic. Not that I don't have hope but there's no hope changing me from being a romantic. And for this I have prepared a sonnet confession.

Offering Solutions Rather than Being Harbingers of Doom

I know that Rico del Sol is one of you. I can't blame my younger brother because he had always been a hopeless romantic. But I am a man of science, I even wrote a book in science but this does not make me a slave of modernism either. However, your tone and orientation in In Factum is always subjective, heightened by emotional appeal and may therefore be considered ad hominem. I hope that you will disprove me as I do not ascribe to your ideas of a pope leading his flock to apostasy and especially of the church dying right in front of us, the militant church. As proof of your objectivity, therefore, I request that this article of mine will be published in your forum, in its whole length, form and context. And with that I will have done my part as probably you believe that you have done yours.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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