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Vatican II, the pastoral synod which tried to please the world so that more will enter the church and had been very keen on pleasing the Protestants who didn't relish in what they label as Mariolatry; which for us was simple love and devotion to Mary, Mother of Christ. Therefore, the patronizing cardinals allowed all talks on the Virgin Mary as being Mediatrix and Co-Mediatrix had been duly shelved and assigned oblivion. All that the faithful cardinals could muster was that Truth that She is the Ultimate Exemplar. Thus, the six Protestant advisers assigned to influence the Council felt triumphant for the recognition due to the Mother of the Church Herself was mitigated if not mutilated.


The trench is deep and wide Be hard for the enemy to penetrate, Would be hard to see where we hide, And where our ammo concentrate. Entrenched, enjoy the furlough of war, Engage only when they come Meanwhile, there’s no flesh to scar Just the hours and days to overcome And will they come? Let Field Marshall Bring his best troops instead; Let them be heroes, who indeed shall Win this war for us or forestall but dead But we’re entrenched with security; Let’s keep the day and sleep the night If they overrun, ket;s run to safety Instead of dying, keep flight Or hold white flag to surrender For it’s the fault of trenches That we know this war is over Too much in mind and heart is enough stress! - Karam M. Zingh

In Trance

While the Advocate has His holy outpouring Spiritu Mundi itself had its own inception In trance, possessed modern man perchance progressing Boasting, lusting, seducing; in deep deception He hooks modern man in the alchemy of drugs And preys on him through cosmetology, changing The face of crime, sanitizing the mummy rugs Introducing fallen stars, for worshipping, Body is bound and soul is made captive, and so His dream-like trance’s in multiverse rising, With the tips of his fingers, like God, he would know Everything and woe, he will join the uprising Entranced he’ll dream a life but - forever? Virtual reality bites, the fire dousing never. - Daniel Santos

In Transit

Novos Ordo, the transition had been made the means In which manner, the world now, in newest way spins Everything, each being, must be given the chance and means To deceitfully proceed with lies, errors and sins Let all the innocent suffer, teach them false freedom So that they can reverse, their true existence And by their ‘own’ godless, programmed choice falsely become An alchemic essence; substance of false existence Make him feel good and cosmetize whatever’s evil If he’s a boy, make him a girl; whatever he likes Shepherd him into this transit, as if it’s his will Subvert everything that is true; unleash! Leak the dikes Finally the Alta Vendita is bought wholesale Let the horns grow longer then, the scourge of the tail - Daniel Santos

The Spiritual War According to St. Paul

St. Paul writing to the Ephesians defined the spiritual war thus (6:10-13): “Finally, go strong in the Lord, with the strength of His power. Put God's armour on so as to be able to resist the devil's tactics. For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the sovereignties and powers who originate the darkness in this world; the Spiritual army of evil in the heavens. That is why you must rely on God's armour, or you will not be able to put up any resistance when the worst happens, or enough resources to hold you ground.”

Full Battle Gear – Part 3: Honor and Unconventional Warfare

Jesus was, and still is, the ultimate Unconventional Warrior. He led His enemy to believe that He had died and was defeated but His Resurrection later on would cause Satan to panic for He did not die after all. Godless Japan thought that with Bataan and Corregidor surrender, the Philippines had ceased to be but the guerilla onslaught taught it otherwise, because even before the liberation forces arrived, the Japanese Imperial Forces were already reeling from guerilla warfare.

Full Battle Gear – Part 2: Espionage – Dancing With the Music

A good soldier of the militant church must also be ready to work as a spy for God’s army or to say the least be knowledgeable in intelligence work because intel is inferior to God’s wisdom. Hence, a devout Catholic should be in the world and out of the world at the same time. He must therefore be seen as a person living in the modern world with the essential trappings of heretical modernism.

Full Battle Gear – Part 1: Conventional Warfare

A wounded soldier had given me inspiration about a subject I had always been lecturing since my return to Catholic practice and this is on Spiritual Warfare. I am always attuned to dividing it in three parts so that I can always have a thorough discussion. These would be Conventional Warfare, Espionage and Unconventional Warfare. Later, we will try to see how the concept of multiverse plays within the Mystery of God’s Creation.

On Perseverance and Fortitude

This is a story recounted to me by my wife. When she was still an assistant Principal of Emilio Jacinto Elementary School in Manila, the school was visited by the Division's elementary science supervisor, Mr. Felipe Saclamitao, and the person assigned to welcome and assist him, he told her this story.

Temperance and Anxiety

The relationship between temperance and anxiety is not obvious. People have excesses that can bring about so much anxiety.

On Just Being Just

"Mr. de los Santos, where's your sense of justice?!" The self-righteous superintendent was grilling me, "Why are you being seen in different places with X. Of course, you know what he has done." Of course, I knew what he was supposed to have done. "He's my friend, Madam," I said casually. "If you were accused like him I would have also done the same thing for you."

On Prudence as a Weapon Against Anxiety

One after hears about faith, hope, and charity and takes them for granted as naturally emanating from man as Divine Gifts. Only a few however know that these virtues do not occur naturally. They can only be given as graces by the Trinity of the virtue of man's desire to be good by exercising the four essential virtues.

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The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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