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FAQ about The History of the Holy Mass

As we posted the article 'The History of the Holy Mass', let's answer some questions about it. By answering these questions, we will be enlightened by facts and truths that we should know.

The History of the Holy Mass

It is crucial for us Catholics to attend and pray the Holy Mass every Sunday. Here we give thanks to God, to offer sacrifice as Christ offer his life to us and to receive the body of our Lord which is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Most of us know that the Last Supper was the first mass in the world. But we don't know how it's celebrated in the form of the Traditional Latin Mass, why the bread becomes a white circle shape waffle and how the Mass becomes a Novus Ordo Mass which is widely celebrated today. Let's find out!

The Greatest Love in the Holy Mass

Have you experienced of doing something for your love or for other people, but still, they ignore you. Is it pain that everything you've done to them, yet they still don't remember your sacrifice. Now you know this feeling you must understand that there's one person who also experience this and it is not just days, months or five years, but it's been 2000 years and still, the people ignored his sacrifice, and that person is our Lord Jesus Christ, who has been tortured, crucified and died because He love us. Even so many years have passed, still He loves us and show it in the form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Where the greatest love of all was given, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

The Marian Apparition in Lipa (Part 2)

To Continue about the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lipa, we shared some of the similarities of this Apparition to the previous apparition in the part one of these articles. The sign, the number fifteen, her name and the suffering and sacrifices of the seer.There are those who may claim that Sr. Teresita or the people at the Mount Carmel Monastery are aware of other apparitions and are imitating them. But here are some other proofs that the Apparition in Lipa is true.

The Marian Apparition in Lipa (Part 1)

On August 7, 2023, Dr. Robert Masigno, President of Confraternity of Our Lady of Mediatrix of all Grace, sent a message to the CBCP President, Bishop Pablo Virgilio David about the Vatican's letter prohibiting them to host the celebration of the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary in Our Lady Mount Carmel in Lipa, Batangas this September 12. But why does the Vatican prohibit them to host this Marian Event? The reason is the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lipa to Sr. Teresita on September 12, 1948. Is this apparition true or just created by a woman who wants attention? Or a devil in disguise to fool this nun just like the exorcist, Fr. Cabading stated? Before we answer that, let us share a brief history of the Apparation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lipa.

What is the Eucharist?

We Christians yearn to see our Lord Jesus Christ, to speak with Him, to hug Him, and to hold His hand. We want to be near Him. We forget that we are already close to Him and never notice it because we live in this modern era. Previous generations, prior to Vatican II, were aware of this, but some of us today are not. Unfortunately, some of our priests today do not teach this to the people because some of our churches do not have catechism. Some were influenced by protestants as a result of Vatican II. When we participate in the Holy Mass, we are physically and spiritually near to Christ. Some of us, together with our guardian angels, adore it. The others, regrettably, disrespect it both consciously and unknowingly. The Holy Eucharist, which consists of the Body and Blood of Christ, is what I'm referring to. Let's review the fundamentals of the Holy Eucharist by responding to these often asked questions.

Communion in the Hand

It has been written that receiving the Eucharist by the hand is one of the signs that the church is on its way to apostasy. Catholic dogma teaches the Real Presence of Christ in the Bread that is consecrated during mass and the soul of the devout is given countless blessings whenever he receives the Eucharist.

Covid19 and the Traditional Latin Mass

In 2020, a virus called the Coronavirus 2019 or Covid19 has spread to the whole world and caused the sickness and death of many. The world has previously experienced similar pandemics in the past, such as the Bubonic Plague or the Black Death (1346-1353) and the Influenza A/H1N1 or the Spanish Flu (1918-1920). When the Covid-19 virus spread, businesses, schools and establishments closed down due to fear of getting this virus, including our own Catholic Church. Many faithful wanted to attend the Holy Mass or pray in the Church to seek and beg for help from God. But because the churches were closed, some tried to pray outside.

The Guardian Angels and the Holy Mass

During the threat of Covid19, most of us cannot attend the Holy Mass. Some of us attend the online Mass that the church provides for us and we make a spiritual communion. But what if you are sick or you have no internet connection and you are unable to attend the Holy Mass. And some of us are have no knowledge of the Spiritual Communion prayers. There is also another solution if we have a problem in attending the Holy Mass, by sending our Guardian to the Church on our behalf.

The Council of Trent

When the false teachings of Martin Luther spread all over Europe, many faithful left the Catholic Church and started building their own church or joined some protestant churches according to their liking. This event led to Counter-Reformation by starting the Council of Trent.

The Miracles of the Holy Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist is the most important sacrament in the Catholic Church. It is the Body and Blood Christ in the form of the Bread and Wine. But some people do not believe that the consecrated bread and wine is not the Body and Blood of Christ. As the protestants taught that it is only a symbol that must not be adored or worshipped. Sadly, this teaching has entered the Catholic faith when the Vatican II started. This is why some Catholics treat the Holy Eucharist as a symbol only, which disrespects Our Lord by using the communion in the hand and by  not kneeling before the Holy Eucharist.

The Four Ends of the Holy Mass

The Holy Mass is the most important Sacrament that God gave to us. It is a sacrifice on the Calvary of our Lord Jesus Christ which re-presented to us every time the Holy Mass is celebrated. This is not only our Lord’s sacrifice, it is also a sacrifice for the Priest and for us, the Faithful.

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