Advisory Via Ephesus

On the premise that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Jesus Christ and is therefore, a living church; I am writing here the feast days of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who up to this present time continues to be a messenger of the Holy Spirit to teach the complete Truth in the end of times through her many apparitions.

The die in cast. Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin. The handwriting is on the wall and the cryptic graffiti is warning us about the new world order that is coming. First there was the sad truth about a boy being arrested because he spoke the truth that there are only two sexes: the male and the female. Then there was the inconvenient ban on the use of urinals. Then we have now a speaker being arrested for exposing a great philanthropist who he said is actually pushing for the gay agenda. A long time ago, an American politician, former Vice-President Al Gore spoke on how we must urgently try to save our planet through his widely-acclaimed “The Inconvenient Truth".

Elsewhere, I have been writing about the new WOKE (world order key elements) which will be utilized by the sovereignties and powers in establishing a new world order preparatory for the reign of the man of sin. Obviously, what I wanted to do was to unmask present woke sentiments and movements that apparently show woke mob psychology. Woke cannot work without the mob. Woke operates in numbers. Even those who believe in God, may be seduced by the appearances of sheer numbers manifesting a shift in societal attitude and even finally affecting the educational system and the implementation of social justice.

Only lately did I read an ingenious story of a teacher who prevented disclosure of a thief’s identity in class which made him an idol of the thief who decide also to become a teacher because of the great example given. The perpetrator stole the watch of a classmate and sagaciously the teacher decided that since the theft was made inside the classroom then the problem had to be resolved within. The students were made to form a circle with their eyes closed and were all frisked and there, the watch was recovered with as one knowing who the thief was.

A million thanks, Petrus Romanus, now you have effectively started the sinking of the galleon of tradition, the survivors scamper away on boats or anything that could float them.

The prophecies of St. Malachi, an archbishop from Ireland, were expressed in a very unconventional manner. It consisted of graphic representations of the coats of arms or banners of popes since the time of Pope Celestine II (circa 1124) and phrases which describe their pontifical reigns. It stated further that after the pope at that time, Celestine II, there will only be 112 popes after which a major change not favorable for the church will ensue.

The fast growth and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many facets of our lives. Without a doubt, AI has improved our lives in more ways than we can possibly conceive, from simple things like autocorrect in smartphone messaging to highly advanced self-driving cars. However, the downside of these technologies render us stupid by potentially making our lives "smart." They encourage us to become increasingly dependent on computers, which teaches us to be lazy. The realm we live in is powered by machines that make our lives easier and comfortable, as a result, humans are enslaved by material things that he himself created.

You are a combatant for the Church Militant and you don't know your unit commanders? You might as well be one of those unrecognized militia outfits who only know Jesus Christ as their Commander-in-Chief, and yet chances are, He does not even know them as His men.

There is an adage worth delivering and it goes something like this: If one lives a life in consideration with what others think, then his life is not his

About AVE

Advisory Via Ephesus is a page dedicated to problematic truth seekers. It provides expert advice concerning Christian ethics, Catholic apologetics and insights on Neo-Judaism. It evaluates behaviour not from a limited scientific viewpoint but on a metaphysical Judeo-Christian foundation which defies a godless modernism. It does not worry about the feel good requirements of modern day guidance and counseling but finds conscience as a built-in spiritual mechanism that allows the soul to reason the gravity of sin and therefore allows the free will to liberate a human person from systematic deception.

Therefore, it does not offer any guidance and counseling format which is only existential in its nature and does not recognize the feelings of guilt just so it can render the seeker to feel good. AVE operates on the definition that faith in the oneness of mind and heart. Simply stated, it defines too much use of mind or reason as not faith, but a fake, and too much use of the heart or emotion as not faith, but a fake. Only True Faith can set the truth-seeker free and only True Faith can provide real Hope so that one can have Sincere Love.

AVE recognizes the true worth of guidance advocates tasked by school authorities to direct wary ward teeners. AVE discerns the value of the sincere attempts to help and therefore provides an avenue for discussions on how to effect positive discipline. AVE opens the forum to genuine ecumenical discussions on matters of faith rather than close possible means at arriving at the truth because of too much care for rational philosophy and systematic censure.

AVE Therefore believes in sincere applications of the spiritual works of mercy as tangible proofs of the Real Presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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