All About Catholicism

We recently shared what is the Traditionalist and Modernist Catholics and their beliefs. Now, we would like to share their attitudes and also their expression about the Catholic Church, Vatican II, the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass.Take note, this thing that we share about them doesn't mean that all of these Catholics have the same attitude. Let's get started.

During the early 19th and late 20th century, modernism slowly entered the church and the modernists wanted to reform it. But it was easily defeated by Pope St. Pius X when he restored the Tridentine Mass to its original form and spread catechism to every church and school. The modernist clergy cannot do anything but return to tradition. Until a modernist pope, Pope John XXIII opens the Second Vatican Council. And made many reforms until his successor, Pope Paul VI, executed most of its plans, including the reform of the Holy Mass, known as the Novus Ordo Mass. This event divided the Catholics, which are The Modernists and the Traditionalists.Today, these two types of Catholics are having a battle of words including social media. In this article, we will discuss these two Catholics, their beliefs, and their attitudes. We will also share how we approach them and give advice to these two.

On February 14th, many men will purchase flowers and chocolates and go on a date with their girlfriend or wife. Couples value this day highly because it is a romantic day for them. But when did the celebration of Valentine's Day start and why is it called Valentine's Day?

The battle between good and evil, God and the Devil was started when Lucifer together with the other angels rebel against God. God's army of angels with St. Michael the Archangel as their leader defeated them. They become the fallen angels, or most commonly known as the devils or demons. Then, Lucifer, or most commonly known as Satan, tempts Eve to eat the Fruit of Knowledge and share it with Adam. Which results in disobedience to God, the fall from grace of humanity, and the birth of Original Sin. Until the Blessed Virgin Mary listens to St. Gabriel the Archangel and obeys the will of God. It resulted in the birth of our savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. He lives as a human like us. He built the Catholic Church on St. Peter's foundation. He suffered and died on the cross to save us, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven. God won again. The Devil always challenged God and tries to attack the church. Until Pope Leo XIII saw a vision and heard the conversation between God and the Devil.

It is crucial for us Catholics to attend and pray the Holy Mass every Sunday. Here we give thanks to God, to offer sacrifice as Christ offer his life to us and to receive the body of our Lord which is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Most of us know that the Last Supper was the first mass in the world. But we don't know how it's celebrated in the form of the Traditional Latin Mass, why the bread becomes a white circle shape waffle and how the Mass becomes a Novus Ordo Mass which is widely celebrated today. Let's find out!

This February, many Chinese are preparing to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Initially, only the Chinese celebrated it, but some countries, including the Philippines, began to celebrate it as it was recognized as one of their holidays. Feng Shui masters are being hired by many individuals, including entrepreneurs, to seek assistance and bring prosperity to their businesses. But the question is, is it safe to use Feng Shui for Catholics? Let's begin by discovering what Feng Shui is.

Education is very important because it shapes our future, including the young. But today, education has missed something which has always resulted in worries, depression, and anxiety, not only for youth but also for adults today. What is lacking in our education that enlightens the mind, but leaves a weakness in the heart? The solution is to receive education about our Lord and our faith. In short Catechism. What prompted me to say this? A lot of people who are struggling in school, work, or any problems that will cause worries, depression, and anxiety are searching for something to hold onto, but they are unable to find it. We can face the problem with confidence by holding on and praying to God. We can ask for help from the saints who have previously lived in this world, faced hardships, but remain strong because of their faith in God. Speaking of Catechism, there is a saint who is very well known for education and Catechism. That is St. John Bosco.

Have you experienced of doing something for your love or for other people, but still, they ignore you. Is it pain that everything you've done to them, yet they still don't remember your sacrifice. Now you know this feeling you must understand that there's one person who also experience this and it is not just days, months or five years, but it's been 2000 years and still, the people ignored his sacrifice, and that person is our Lord Jesus Christ, who has been tortured, crucified and died because He love us. Even so many years have passed, still He loves us and show it in the form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Where the greatest love of all was given, the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

On September 15, 2023, The Our Lady of Mediatrix of All Grace Facebook page has updated their cover photo stating "We request and pray for REOPENING of the 1948 Lipa Apparition Case". In 2015, former Lipa, Batangas archbishop Ramon Arguelles declared that this apparition is true but Vatican declares it has "No Supernatural origin" which contradicts the Archbishop Arguelles statement. We have previously posted about the Marian Apparition in Lipa to prove that the Blessed Virgin Mary truly appeared there.

When Pope John XXIII called for the second Vatican II Council, reformation has been prepared until it was executed by Pope Paul VI. Many changes have been made that swayed from the Sacred Tradition such as the religious freedom, removing the minor orders in the Holy Orders and mostly, changes in the Holy Mass which is the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missale (New Order of Mass). Many bishops and clergy are againts to this reform which results on institutions of Traditional Catholic Societies. While the Vatican II changes occurred in the church and to the faithful. There are clashing of clergies happening inside the Church, this is the Traditionalist against the Modernist and the Traditionalist against the Traditionalist.

St. Anthony the Great is a 4th Century Christian Monk from Egypt, and was known as the Father of All Monks where his life is the inspiration of Christian Monasticism when St. Athanasius of Alexandria wrote his biography. He has so many words of wisdom when it comes to faith, but there is a certain word quote that prophesied the future:

Recently, there's a news item about US Bishop Strickland was removed from the Diocese of Tyler by Pope Francis. The Vatican didn't provide reasons or his removal buy Bishop Strickland was recently known to criticise Pope Francis including the acceptance LGBT (And now the blessing of the same-sex couples). When he celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass in 2020 for the first time, he fell in love with it and continued celebrating it. He disobeys the Pope's command on restricting the Traditional Latin Mass. For the views of some of our Catholic brethrens and Priests, disobeying the Pope is not good and it may end up as schismatic. But do we really have to obey the Pope even his words and actions will lead us to heresy and blasphemy? Even he makes more Catholics swayed their way to the truth?


Ang Propesiya sa Huling Panahon

Ang propesiya ay mga mensahe ng Diyos na karaniwan ito ay babala, paalala at gabay sa mga propeta na binibigyan nito. Nakatatanggap din ng propesiya ang mga santo at kahit ang pangkaraniwang tao na pinili ng langit na bigyan ng pambihirang tungkulin na maghatid ng Kanyang mensahe.
The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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