Sanhedrin Sermo

This format tackles controversial issues regarding things that could affect the faith and fate of mankind. Borrowing from the Philippine cultural tradition of duplohan, balagtasan, and the like; Sanhedrin would like to be the site where opposing and similar ideas may be ventilated and rendered as: Scribe, Pharisee, Saducee, Zealot and Herodian.


The common knowledge or information circulating concerning something of vital importance.


The shared knowledge or belief system of religious sectarian or denominational positions which project their own bigoted stance on the matter.


The shared artistic sophistication and scientific sophistry which project the present pleasure of humanity.


The revolutionary expression of rage and disatisfaction of some people concerning the matter at hand.


The seemingly beneficial stance of occult and technologically covert diabolical systems.


The stance of the few who recognize the mesianic role of Jesus as King of the Jews: circumcised gentiles or Jewish converts to the real and beautiful practice of Good Christianity.

Sanhedrin Sermo Articles

It seems that China is bent on making war with the Philippines.

It seems that the Medjugorje Apparitions are true because the cult following of said events have grown very much through the years as proof that “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

It seems that Our Lady is always on the side of the underpriveleged.

It seems to that the Sankt Gallen Mafia has finally done it; they have now the Church allowing the blessing of same sex couples with the document Fiducia Supplicans.

It seems to me that the Catholic Church is losing its holy traditions fast with the obvious choice of cardinals and bishops for the Novos Ordo Mass and their preference to the practice of communion in the hand.

It seems that wokeism or the tendency to defend and institutionalize the new World Order Key Elements (WOKE) is the order of the day.

Incredible as it may seem, the ten horns of the mysterious beast found in the Book of Revelations have already been identified.

It seems that Allah in revealing himself through this prophet made some blunders concerning hi identity.

It seems that the pilgrimage to Mecca, and the practices therein as followed by the Islamic religion, are all rooted in the pagan past.

It seems that feminism, or what was known before as women’s liberation movement has finally found its niche in American society.

It seems that the Catholic Church is lagging in its bid to modernize itself and be more relevant to the world particularly in the assignment of women clergy compared with other Christian Churches.

It seems that Erich von Däniken, George Tsouakalos and other outer space alien theorists a preponderance of evidence for extraterrestial or actual contacts from different world civilzations.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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