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The Traditionalist and the Modernist Catholics (Part 2)

We recently shared what is the Traditionalist and Modernist Catholics and their beliefs. Now, we would like to share their attitudes and also their expression about the Catholic Church, Vatican II, the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass. Take note, this thing that we share about them doesn't mean that all of these Catholics have the same attitude. Let's get started.

The Traditionalist and the Modernist Catholics (Part 1)

During the early 19th and late 20th century, modernism slowly entered the church and the modernists wanted to reform it. But it was easily defeated by Pope St. Pius X when he restored the Tridentine Mass to its original form and spread catechism to every church and school. The modernist clergy cannot do anything but return to tradition. Until a modernist pope, Pope John XXIII opens the Second Vatican Council. And made many reforms until his successor, Pope Paul VI, executed most of its plans, including the reform of the Holy Mass, known as the Novus Ordo Mass. This event divided the Catholics, which are The Modernists and the Traditionalists. Today, these two types of Catholics are having a battle of words including social media. In this article, we will discuss these two Catholics, their beliefs, and their attitudes. We will also share how we approach them and give advice to these two.

What is Valentine’s Day?

On February 14th, many men will purchase flowers and chocolates and go on a date with their girlfriend or wife. Couples value this day highly because it is a romantic day for them. But when did the celebration of Valentine's Day start and why is it called Valentine's Day?

What is Feng Shui?

Today, many Chinese are celebrating the Chinese New Year. Initially, only they celebrated it, but some countries, including the Philippines, began to celebrate it as it was recognized as one of their holidays. Feng Shui masters are being hired by many individuals, including entrepreneurs, to seek assistance and bring prosperity to their businesses. But the question is, is it safe to use Feng Shui for Catholics? Let's begin by discovering what Feng Shui is.

Madness by St. Anthony the Great

St. Anthony the Great is a 4th Century Christian Monk from Egypt, and was known as the Father of All Monks where his life is the inspiration of Christian Monasticism when St. Athanasius of Alexandria wrote his biography. He has so many words of wisdom when it comes to faith, but there is a certain word quote that prophesied the future:

The Pope – Obedience, Disobedience and Rebuking

Recently, there's a news item about US Bishop Strickland was removed from the Diocese of Tyler by Pope Francis. The Vatican didn't provide reasons or his removal buy Bishop Strickland was recently known to criticise Pope Francis including the acceptance LGBT (And now the blessing of the same-sex couples). When he celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass in 2020 for the first time, he fell in love with it and continued celebrating it. He disobeys the Pope's command on restricting the Traditional Latin Mass. For the views of some of our Catholic brethrens and Priests, disobeying the Pope is not good and it may end up as schismatic. But do we really have to obey the Pope even his words and actions will lead us to heresy and blasphemy? Even he makes more Catholics swayed their way to the truth?

The influence of the Protestants (Part 2)

As the world changes, the modern times have arrived and so is the modernism. The Protestants, in order to pull many faithful to their sect, choose to adapt modernism which results in the birth of the Born-Again Christians together with its prosperity doctrine. Many modernists including the clergy, wish to adapt and unite with the protestants which resulted in the Second Vatican Council. During these changes there are protestant influences which the church adapts including the Novus Ordo Mass. In the first part of this article, we enlist the first three of the influence of the Protestants. In this second part we will add another three:

The influence of the Protestants (Part 1)

If you are born during and after the Vatican II council, you may not notice the influence of the Protestants among us Catholics. When Martin Luther attacked the problem and corruption in the Catholic Church. He has the chance to fix it, but instead, he left the church and created his own. He started to attack the church and teaches heresy to the people. Which he detoured the path of the poor souls of the faithful from the Lord. Then those who he influenced started to build their own churches, including King Henry VIII who was once a defender of the Catholic Church against the protestant reformation, instituted the Anglican Church because the Church does not support his divorce. Protestanism were not built because of God, but because of earthly and human desire. In short, these protestants or born-again churches are not built by God, but by man.

The Two Holy Masses

Now that the word about the Traditional Latin Mass or the Tridentine Mass has spread all over the world including the internet. There are questions that were frequently asked about these two Holy Mass, the Traditional Latin and the Novus Ordo Mass. Many were confused because of the information that was posted on the social media. As the Traditionalist such as Taylor Marshall and Archbishop Schneider explained the errors of the New Mass, the modernist such as the Vatican and some of the Priests defend the Novus Ordo Mass and criticized the Traditional Mass. We've been posting articles about the Traditional Latin Mass to educate our readers, but let's look at the point of view of some Traditionalist, modernist about these two Holy Mass and what is our view.

The Orans

On July 16, 2023 during the Memorial of our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Archbishop Victor Bendico of CBCP and also archbishop of Capiz, released circular no. 2023-03 on the question as whether the faithful are allowed to hold or raise hands during the Lord's prayer in the Mass. He indicates Pope Francis' catechesis last March 14, 2017 that everyone can do the raise hand gesture and to hold hands of Our Father. In recent years, some churches stop using Orans to the faithful, but because of this statement of the CBCP, it brings confusion for some of the faithful who don't know if they will use this gesture or not. Is the Pope and CBCP correct about this matter? Before we answer that, let's take a look of the origin of the Orans.

The Ad Orientem and the Versus Populum

In the Holy Mass, there is a long history of debate between the Catholics and the Protestants on where the priest has to face during the Holy Mass. Before the Vatican II council, the Priest always faces to the altar during the Holy Mass. This orientation is called "Ad Orientem". Then changes occurred on Pope Paul VI's Mass (Novus Ordo Mass) in 1969 where the Priest is now facing the congregation. This orientation is called "Versus Populum". The Traditional Catholics societies such as the Society of Pope Pius X (SSPX) and the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) still using the Ad Orientem as they celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass. Now, the debate is now between the Traditionalist and the Modernist. The question is, which is better? The Ad Orientem or the Versus Populum? Before we answer. Let's take a look of their history.

Why we should not leave the Catholic Church?

There's a recent news that more than 500 thousand of Germany's Catholics left the church. One of the main reasons is the attitude of the church towards sexual abuse which they seek justice. Second, they want a bigger role for women in the church. Third, acceptance of the LGBT and lastly, allowing divorce in the Church. These reasons are not only happening in Germany but also in other parts of the world. Many faithful wish to have another reform for these matters. But, is it right that we leave the church because of these scandals, crimes which involve some priest and then no actions were taken? Or we leave the church because it does not do what we wanted such as same-sex marriage and women clergy. Here is why we should not leave the church.

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