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The Cain Identity

The Cain Identity refers to person who is chosen from questionable selection process, especially because there are no more candidates available for recruitment by lowering the norms or standards of selection which we in turn call the Cain principle.

Actors in Politics, and in the Classroom, Too

I have nothing against actors who meddle with politics although some may have indeed muddled the issues. When I was still into talismanic magic, being a Caviteno, I didn't mind Ramon (Bautista) Revilla canonizing hoodlums in his "anting-anting " movies but it seemed that despite the span of time, the amulets didn't work so much in the legislature except that staying in politics indeed charmed the voters. And so with the senate performance of Lito “Pinuno” Lapid.

Towards A New World Order

Elsewhere, I have been writing about the new WOKE (world order key elements) which will be utilized by the sovereignties and powers in establishing a new world order preparatory for the reign of the man of sin. Obviously, what I wanted to do was to unmask present woke sentiments and movements that apparently show woke mob psychology. Woke cannot work without the mob. Woke operates in numbers. Even those who believe in God, may be seduced by the appearances of sheer numbers manifesting a shift in societal attitude and even finally affecting the educational system and the implementation of social justice.

Woke Psychology: The Devil’s Mob Yoke and Its Implications

The Devil has rediscovered an old tool; the power of numbers. The French Revolution has sparked a nascent belief of vox populi, Vox Dei that is the voice of the people is the Voice of God. And its prevalence has come to the fore in modern though particularly in the field of education and social justice.Later, we will try to see how the concept of multiverse plays within the Mystery of God’s Creation.

Le Femme Fatale Church

Sometime before his death Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, more popularly known as Benedict XVI was contemplating in the smoke of Satan that entered into the Church by some crack, as Paul VI, Giovanni Cardinal Montini observed. Why wouldn't he know that crack, when in fact, if John XXIII was the architect, who else would engineer the illusions of Vatican II but him. Angelo Cardinal Roncalli was correct in tasking Montini with Vatican 11 because he was most effective in the gradual erosion of faith in the Catholic Church. Montini's reforms in the spirit of Vatican II harnessed men like Augustin Cardinal Bea who pushed an extreme kind of ecumenism which prostituted Catholicism with other beliefs and Hanibale Cardinal Bugnini who effectively disgraced the Perpetual Sacrifice with a mutilated liturgy.

Of Teachers and Thieves

Only lately did I read an ingenious story of a teacher who prevented disclosure of a thief’s identity in class which made him an idol of the thief who decide also to become a teacher because of the great example given. The perpetrator stole the watch of a classmate and sagaciously the teacher decided that since the theft was made inside the classroom then the problem had to be resolved within. The students were made to form a circle with their eyes closed and were all frisked and there, the watch was recovered with as one knowing who the thief was.

Sescentas gratias, Petrus Romanus!

A million thanks, Petrus Romanus, now you have effectively started the sinking of the galleon of tradition, the survivors scamper away on boats or anything that could float them.

Neutralizing the Patriarch: Putting Things in Disorder

A little review perhaps is necessary so that the continuum of thought would prevail. First, we explored how it all started in school in the midst of evil teachers. The student’s search for truth was reimaged and reimagined as really search for power and pleasure. In the name of the exercises of natural rights the child seeking to be god-like gets perverted.

Petrus Romanus

The prophecies of St. Malachi, an archbishop from Ireland, were expressed in a very unconventional manner. It consisted of graphic representations of the coats of arms or banners of popes since the time of Pope Celestine II (circa 1124) and phrases which describe their pontifical reigns. It stated further that after the pope at that time, Celestine II, there will only be 112 popes after which a major change not favorable for the church will ensue.

Bishop Takes Pawn

I must confess that I got carried away. In my last essay, I was calling for us to support a guerilla warfare. But yes, I was mistaken there was no need for that. Not yet. You see, they have installed the diabolical mechanism for a one world religion. This is only half of the masterplan. Apparently, the one world government is not yet in place. They are still mulling about it. Who's gonna start it? The Illuminati and their Freemasons? The Communists and their minions? Or both?

Compensatory Mechanisms Among Students

“An unexamined life is not worth living” said Socrates and with such life tenet he was able to influence the greatest minds of antiquity, his student Plato, and in turn Plato’s student Aristotle. But whatever time to start examining one’s life than the earliest possible time as when one is still a student and embarking on a long life’s journey into meaning.

Compensatory Mechanisms Among Teachers

Whenever I think about compensatory mechanisms, I can’t help but think also of Charlie Chaplin, the Great American comic. His set of quotes I like best in relation to this topic are: “There is nothing permanent in this life, not even our troubles.” , “I like walking in the rain because nobody will notice the tears”, and “The most wasted day in my life is one which I wasn’t able to laugh.”

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The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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