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Bishop Takes Castle

The oldest traditional defense strategy is simply castle keep. This is why in ancient times, the building of a city or at least a great town is preceded by the building of a fortress or a castle that would enclose the King's court or palace..

On Transaggressiveness Around Us

It was the turning point in school, too, when the students were taught about the sexual urge as they begin puberty. And curiously enough the teachers were not told to instruct them from experimentation or how they should avoid the abuse of sexuality.

It All Started in School

Only recently the virtuous teaching of the Truth became undermined once more through virtual teaching or what is outwardly good but actually is evil teaching. Our battlecry in education is grace because teaching should be a gift of the Holy Spirit but as it is unfolding today in many educational systems, what is being taught would later on prove to be a disgrace.

On Teaching Godliness

In the U. S., particularly in secular schools, teachers allow a few moments of silence for their students to, perhaps, pray. Prayer is no longer prescribed in public schools because there is too much respect for what a person believes. If a person therefore comes from an atheistic family, he must therefore won’t be compelled to pray, hence, the silence.

Bishop Takes Knight

Have you ever wondered in the game of chess, why the bishop is quite powerful? Well, in this series of essays, I will be explaining the matter in a manner by which the layman, the simple chess player on the street would understand.

Pope Francis: Apostle of Sexual Revolution

Thanks to modern psychiatry and psychology and the new interpretation of the social justice system; today's sexual revolution is unparalleled since Sodom and Gomorrah and the days of Noah. Christian countries have so long frowned at Islamic child marriages where children die under the weigh of lustful men, family-initiated vendetta rape in India, mutilations of private parts in animistic tribes and by the selling of children by their own parents to pedophiles.

Pope Francis: Apostle of Ecumenism

Ecumenism is such a big word. I do not know how all mankind as brothers are going to fit in. But if you are elected Vicar of Christ, perhaps you would know how the charism given to popes must be so special that things unfathomable for us would be possible for them.

Pope Francis: Ambassador Plenipotentiary

There is no stopping Pope Francis. If John Paul II may be said to be the most traveled pontiff during his lifetime, Jorge Bergoglio may actually break his record and in so doing bring about so many records between the Vatican and the countries he has visited during his pontificate.

Counter Terrorism with the Holy Communion of Saints

You are a combatant for the Church Militant and you don't know your unit commanders? You might as well be one of those unrecognized militia outfits who only know Jesus Christ as their Commander-in-Chief, and yet chances are, He does not even know them as His men.

Your Life, Not Yours

There is an adage worth delivering and it goes something like this: If one lives a life in consideration with what others think, then his life is not his

The Feel Good Counseling

For more than a decade now, I have come to a disturbing realization. The guidance program of many schools, even of some institutions of higher learning have grown inutile providing only lip services to their supposed clienteles and are only counting the number of people who have felt good or better after being served.

The Dark Night of the Soul

Before any onset of rebellious thought could manifest itself dangerously using the angst and pathos of the “dark night of the soul” I am writing this essay to debunk such a lingering stance, not that the existence of such phenomenon is denied but rather that its cumbersome presence should be shortened for all those who are children of Hope.

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