Explore the Truth.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here. Read More

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Prayer to
Saint Michael

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Ex Primoribus

I'd like to make a confession. My elder Arci is right. I'm indeed a hopeless romantic. Not that I don't have hope but there's no hope changing me from being a romantic. And for this I have prepared a sonnet confession.

I know that Rico del Sol is one of you. I can't blame my younger brother because he had always been a hopeless romantic. But I am a man of science, I even wrote a book in science but this does not make me a slave of modernism either. However, your tone and orientation in In Factum is always subjective, heightened by emotional appeal and may therefore be considered ad hominem. I hope that you will disprove me as I do not ascribe to your ideas of a pope leading his flock to apostasy and especially of the church dying right in front of us, the militant church. As proof of your objectivity, therefore, I request that this article of mine will be published in your forum, in its whole length, form and context. And with that I will have done my part as probably you believe that you have done yours.

It was in Karel Capek’s “Rossum's Universal Robots”, that the word robot was first used. And also in this play, the question on how the robot’s raised consciousness was likely to affect it’s creator: mankind. Today, we are experiencing the damning existence of that question and the phenomena of robots even seemingly more intelligent than anyone of us.

Benedict XVI died as a resigned Pope emeritus on the last day of the year leaving just one dominant shepherd to feed the flock. In terms of Roman mythology, the two-faced god Janus must be in operation leaving Francis I the only one who must now be responsible for pasturing the flock. But Zeus Jupiter even when Benedict resigned as Pope, must have observed its significance because out of some Olympic premontory he caused a lightning to strike the apex of St. Peter's basilica.

Among the most amazing miracles associated with Jesus is His multiplication of loaves of bread and fish. Among Islamic scholars, Mohammed seemed to have replicated this in the battle of the trench during the siege of Medina. However Islamic accounts are usually confabulated and are partially covert, akin to the works of a magician unlike those of Jesus which are done openly; sometimes, in witness of thousands, and this is no exception. These miracles seemed to have happened, at least, twice according to the accounts made by the evangelists St. Matthew and St. Mark.

The first century of Christianity witnessed the pendulum clashes of dignified values learning in philosophy and theology. There were the Jews, the traditional keepers of the depository of faith who the Samaritans accused as adding apocrypha to the canon. And among the Jews the Pharisees whose application of theology made them the separated ones and the Sadducees who were the righteous and aristocratic ones. Then, there were the Gentiles who were shunned by the Jews because of their Hellenistic and foreign leanings that defy Jewish traditions. No wonder that even Saint Peter and Paul had a confrontation concerning the apostolate of these peoples.

Although modern man is said to be stripping the bible of its mythology in order to arrive at the truth, mythology seems to thrive on and perhaps, unwittingly, he is even applying it to its most comprehensive intent. Funny that it is singling out the bible in its process of demythologization.

Deutoronomy 7:16: “Devour then all these peoples whom Yahweh your God delivers to you. Show them no pity, do not serve their gods, for otherwise, you shall be snared.”

It seems that the Catholic Church is lagging in its bid to modernize itself and be more relevant to the world particularly in the assignment of women clergy compared with other Christian Churches.

It seems that Erich von Däniken, George Tsouakalos and other outer space alien theorists a preponderance of evidence for extraterrestial or actual contacts from different world civilzations.

There are so many accounts of unidentified flying objects (UFO) now called UFVs (Unidentified Flying Vehicles), but in our studies let us consider one of the most controversial ones; one which involved a high-ranking naval officer that one which involved Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd of the United States Navy.

It could have started with just a certain unwillingness to obey a pastoral instruction. One which tried to protect them from undue influence of evil but ignored for devotional friendship which was unknowingly unreciprocated to be equal. And one for a feeling of oppression and indignity to lack of privacy at the moment of distress. And lastly, to a feeling of indignity too, when one replaced by another due to sloth and lack of action due to preconceived personal conditions.

Have you ever wondered in the game of chess, why the bishop is quite powerful? Well, in this series of essays, I will be explaining the matter in a manner by which the layman, the simple chess player on the street would understand.


Ang Propesiya sa Huling Panahon

Ang propesiya ay mga mensahe ng Diyos na karaniwan ito ay babala, paalala at gabay sa mga propeta na binibigyan nito. Nakatatanggap din ng propesiya ang mga santo at kahit ang pangkaraniwang tao na pinili ng langit na bigyan ng pambihirang tungkulin na maghatid ng Kanyang mensahe.
The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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