What is In Factum?

In factum  comes from the root word “in fact”, which means veracity of something. The full one in factum, is usually heard from Filipinos who practice oral magic or “orational” prayers, at least, an oracion that usually involves in factum, the reality of a spirit’s presence, and which redounded to impacto; a spirit which causes something to worsen, make an impact; or simple words a malignant spirit. These books are therefore meant to make them known as really in existence and therefore needs some measure of prevention in being drawn to them.
by Icarus leido
Volume 1

by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Volume 2

by Rico del Sol

Volume 3

by Ricardo B. de los Santos

Volume 4
by Tariq Sulaiman
Volume 5
by Karam Manzinger Singh
Volume 6

In Factum Articles

I'd like to make a confession. My elder Arci is right. I'm indeed a hopeless romantic. Not that I don't have hope but there's no hope changing me from being a romantic. And for this I have prepared a sonnet confession.

I know that Rico del Sol is one of you. I can't blame my younger brother because he had always been a hopeless romantic. But I am a man of science, I even wrote a book in science but this does not make me a slave of modernism either. However, your tone and orientation in In Factum is always subjective, heightened by emotional appeal and may therefore be considered ad hominem. I hope that you will disprove me as I do not ascribe to your ideas of a pope leading his flock to apostasy and especially of the church dying right in front of us, the militant church. As proof of your objectivity, therefore, I request that this article of mine will be published in your forum, in its whole length, form and context. And with that I will have done my part as probably you believe that you have done yours.

Benedict XVI died as a resigned Pope emeritus on the last day of the year leaving just one dominant shepherd to feed the flock. In terms of Roman mythology, the two-faced god Janus must be in operation leaving Francis I the only one who must now be responsible for pasturing the flock. But Zeus Jupiter even when Benedict resigned as Pope, must have observed its significance because out of some Olympic premontory he caused a lightning to strike the apex of St. Peter's basilica.

The first century of Christianity witnessed the pendulum clashes of dignified values learning in philosophy and theology. There were the Jews, the traditional keepers of the depository of faith who the Samaritans accused as adding apocrypha to the canon. And among the Jews the Pharisees whose application of theology made them the separated ones and the Sadducees who were the righteous and aristocratic ones. Then, there were the Gentiles who were shunned by the Jews because of their Hellenistic and foreign leanings that defy Jewish traditions. No wonder that even Saint Peter and Paul had a confrontation concerning the apostolate of these peoples.

Although modern man is said to be stripping the bible of its mythology in order to arrive at the truth, mythology seems to thrive on and perhaps, unwittingly, he is even applying it to its most comprehensive intent. Funny that it is singling out the bible in its process of demythologization.

The 66 dollar (two dollars increment for questioning fee) question now is: is Muhammad a true prophet or just made everything up for profits? Remember that he was a very good merchant which caught the fancy of his first wife who was very much indeed in the mercantile profession. Let us therefore consider the many variables which could help us decide later on the question.

Proudly and grandly, they unfurl
The obnoxious multi-colored flag
Damning indignities they hurl;
Real straight ones they vex and nag.
Demiurges, they protest loudly
Concerning their dire sexual rights
As if they’re oppressed totally,
Pushing, generating fights.
But look who’s cruelly bashing
The now truly marginalized
Other’s rights they trample truly,
Let all the truths just be denied.
      And make the children grow horny;
      Let the world be disorderly!
          Look Who’s Oppressing?!
-- Daniel Santos

"The worst form of inequality is to make unequal things equal.” -Aristotle

I am not a political scientist, I am just a lowly philosopher where faculty is minding my own. But recently, I read Ryszard Legarko’s “The Demon of Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies” and suddenly I am spooked about two ideologies that seemingly are poles apart when I realized he was right in his analysis. A totalitarian regime like a communist state and a liberal regime like what we find in free societies have the same goal: perfect man and perfect society: men can be the best they are if they are given equality, or are treated as equals. In communism, friends, foe or family are all fellow citizens. That's the spirit of brotherhood (fraternity) which operates in both political systems.

Anyone familiar with the two-faced god from Greek mythology knows the application of a new beginning, say in the new year. This is why the start of the year is the month of January, from the name of the god, Janus.

I have nothing against actors who meddle with politics although some may have indeed muddled the issues. When I was still into talismanic magic, being a Caviteno, I didn't mind Ramon (Bautista) Revilla canonizing hoodlums in his "anting-anting " movies but it seemed that despite the span of time, the amulets didn't work so much in the legislature except that staying in politics indeed charmed the voters. And so with the senate performance of Lito “Pinuno” Lapid.

Sometime before his death Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, more popularly known as Benedict XVI was contemplating in the smoke of Satan that entered into the Church by some crack, as Paul VI, Giovanni Cardinal Montini observed. Why wouldn't he know that crack, when in fact, if John XXIII was the architect, who else would engineer the illusions of Vatican II but him. Angelo Cardinal Roncalli was correct in tasking Montini with Vatican 11 because he was most effective in the gradual erosion of faith in the Catholic Church. Montini's reforms in the spirit of Vatican II harnessed men like Augustin Cardinal Bea who pushed an extreme kind of ecumenism which prostituted Catholicism with other beliefs and Hanibale Cardinal Bugnini who effectively disgraced the Perpetual Sacrifice with a mutilated liturgy.

I must confess that I got carried away. In my last essay, I was calling for us to support a guerilla warfare. But yes, I was mistaken there was no need for that. Not yet. You see, they have installed the diabolical mechanism for a one world religion. This is only half of the masterplan. Apparently, the one world government is not yet in place. They are still mulling about it. Who's gonna start it? The Illuminati and their Freemasons? The Communists and their minions? Or both?

The Roots

For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our world. I founded In Factum with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and I have been at it ever since.

Dr. Ricardo B. de los Santos

The In Factum subjects may fall under the following categories:

Miracles of Saints, Angels and Demons, The Elementals: Nature Spirits, Transformers and Shape Shifters, Magicians and Psychic Healers, Ancestral Worship and Shamanism, Church Reforms, Divinations and Omens, Parapsychology and Metaphysics, Ghosts and Ghouls, Herbolarios and Herbalism and others topics which may relate to faith and religion.

Note: The articles here are highly opinionated and are therefore very subjective. Therefore, we do not want to impose these subjective experiences to the reader and would like their to exercise extreme caution.

The Sanhedrin was the forum for the pharisees, who believed in the resurrection and in angels, and the saducees, who are akin to new theories and philosophies. All beliefs and philosophies concerning God and His creation are allowed to be expressed here.
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The articles here are highly opinionated and are therefore very subjective. Therefore, we do not want to impose these subjective experiences to the reader and would like their to exercise extreme caution.